As a customer, do I need to register myself to place an order?

As a customer, do I need to register myself to place an order?

Yes, when you tap on the Place Order button to place an order, a customer registration pop up screen appears. This screen prompts you to specify your details like your name, email, and phone number. This actually helps the cafe / restaurant deliver the order to the correct person. The customer registration pop up screen is designed to capture customer details, like his name, email address, and phone number. This setting pertaining to Customer Data Capture can be configured on the Scan and Order Setting page under General Settings. 
The customer registration popup screen appears each time a QR Code is scanned to place an order irrespective of the fact that the customer is a frequent visitor to the cafe or may have placed an order in the past.  
Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired.
There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Scan and Order plugin AND not updating your Store / POS count.
To be able to subscribe to and activate the Scan and Order plugin you should first activate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin. The plugin is already included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise. This means that you will NOT be required to purchase and subscribe to this plugin. You just have to activate the plugin from the Purchase Subscription Screen. 
Activating or Deactivating this Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin will not affect your subscription amount for your next billing cycle because the plugin is free.

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