BIR Accreditation - Global Settings

BIR Accreditation - Global Settings

In this article we will explain how to manage and configure the BIR specific settings that are spread across multiple accordions in the application. Once BIR is enabled, you should see the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) specific settings on the following screens:

-- On the Global Settings Page
-- On the Store Settings Page
-- On the POS Settings Page


BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) in the Philippines is the statutory body that certifies retail POS applications that can be used in the country. This government agency not only certifies POS applications but is also responsible for collecting internal revenue taxes and enforcing fines and penalties associated with them. You will be able to carry out your retail operations in the Philippines, only when your POS solution is BIR accredited. See: 

There are some very specific features that a retail POS application must possess to qualify for being used by retailers in The Philippines. 
When you create a new tenant, on the Tenant Registration Page there is a specific section that prompts you to select the Country and the Trading Currency. You need to select the Philippines as your country and Philippine Peso as your currency.

The BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) features are country specific and are applicable only in the Philippines.  That means that these country specific features are activated only when you select the Philippines as your country and Philippine Peso as your currency.

Tagrain is a BIR accredited POS solution. With the flip of a switch you can unlock the BIR specific settings in the application. These BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) specific settings are spread across multiple accordions in the application. You should see the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) specific settings on the following screens:
-- On the Global Settings Page
-- On the Store Settings Page
-- On the POS Settings Page

Global Settings Page

Navigate to Home > Setup > General Settings to open the Application Settings page. All the settings pertaining to the application - Business Settings, Global Settings, Display Settings, and Country Settings can be accessed from this page.

Click on the Global Settings button to open the Global Settings. All the Global settings pertaining to the application can be accessed from this page.

BIR Enablement Switch

Flip the Enable BIR switch ON to unlock the BIR specific settings in the application. You should see a notification pop up on the screen asking you to confirm if you would like to enable the BIR settings. The process is irreversible. It means that , once BIR is enabled, it cannot be disabled.

When you flip the Enable BIR switch ON, the application will log you out, ending your current session, for the new settings to take affect. Enabling BIR will have the following impact on the application:

-- The previous sale transaction history is deleted
-- PWD Citizen and Senior Citizen Customers are automatically created and mapped to respective Customer Groups
-- The plugin - Gift Cards and Credit Memos is permanently disabled
-- The plugin - Offers, Discounts and Pricing Management is activated to include Spend X | Save an Amount promotion type

Store Settings Page

Navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management to open the Store Management Settings page. 

Click on the Stores button to open the Store List View Screen. This screen displays a list of stores already defined in the application.

Perform End of Day

BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) accreditation requires you to close the day by generating a Z-Report. 

When you flip the Enable BIR switch ON, a new Perform End Of Day button is displayed along with the Edit and Delete buttons in the Actions column. Clicking on the Perform End Of Day button will open a pop up screen. The Current Business Date is pre-filled. 

You need to specify the Next Business Date using the calendar button and click the OK button to generate a Z-Report. 

A notification prompt comes up indicating that Z-Reports for the last business day are generated and can be viewed from the Z-Report menu. 

TIN Number

When you flip the Enable BIR switch ON, an additional TIN Number field appears on the Store’s setting page. This is a text field where you can specify the TIN Number. 

Click on the Edit button on the Store List View Screen to open the settings page for the corresponding Store. You should see an additional text field where you can specify the TIN Number.

TIN Number is the unique 12-digit number that is assigned to your business by the Bureau of International Revenue. 

The TIN Number that you specify on the Store Settings page would reflect on the Receipt header. See: BIR Accreditation - Receipt Format

The TIN Number that you specify on the Store Settings page would reflect on the Receipt header. See: BIR Accreditation - Receipt Format

Point of Sale (POS) Settings Page

Navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management to open the Store Management Settings page. 

Click on the POS button to open the POS List View Screen. This screen displays a list of POS already defined in the application. 

Click on the Edit button on the POS List View Screen to open the settings page for the corresponding POS.

Additional Fields on the POS Screen

When you flip the Enable BIR switch ON, additional text fields appear on the POS settings page.  These are:

MIN Number
Specify the Machine Identification Number (MIN) assigned to the POS terminal. 

Serial Number
Specify the Serial Number (MIN) assigned to the POS terminal. 

PTU Number
Specify the Permit To Use Number allotted to the POS terminal. This must be pasted on the POS terminal it was allotted to.

PTU Issue Date
Use the calendar icon to select/update the date the Permit To Use was issued.

PTU Valid Until
Use the calendar icon to select/update the date the Permit To Use is valid until.

You must fill in the MIN, Serial Number, PTU Number, PTU Issue Date, and PTU Valid Until fields carefully, as these would reflect on the transaction receipt.

POS Number Series

BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) accreditation requires you to define and follow a POS Document Number Series for your POS (Point of Sale) terminals. 

Defining a POS Numbering Series allows you to set up multiple POS at the same store. 

The POS number series accordion cannot be left blank. If you click the Save button, without defining the number series for the POS, you should see a notification pop up reminding you to define one. 


In this article we have explained how to manage and configure the BIR specific settings in the application. You will be able to carry out your retail operations in the Philippines, only when you implement these settings in your POS solution after it is BIR accredited.

Suggested Readings

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