Cashiers Guide to Tagrain App for iPad

Cashiers Guide to Tagrain App for iPad

This guide is designed to help cashiers learn the daily processes around selling using the Tagrain App for iOS.

  1. Meet the sell screen
  2. Adding products to the sale
  3. Adjusting product quantities
  4. Line Level discounting
  5. Other product management options
  6. Removing tax 
  7. Adding surcharge
  8. Discounting the entire sale
  9. Adding a note to the sale
  10. Adding a customer to the sale
  11. Suspend a sale 
  12. Recall a sale
  13. Cancel a sale
  14. Accepting payment from your sale
  15. Sale confirmation screen
  16. Receipt handling
  17. Selling and redeeming gift cards
  18. Cash Management
  19. Viewing your sales history 
  20. Sale refund
  21. Closing the Register
  22. Exiting the store
  23. Opening the register

Meet the Sell Screen

This is how the sell screen looks on the Tagrain App for iOS. As you will end up spending most of your day here on this screen. Let's get familiar with it.

Main Menu Button: Tap this to open register, access recent sales history, manage cash, close your register and change your settings.

Product Group Tiles: All product groups defined in the Application are displayed here. Tapping a product group icon displays all the products in that group.

Product Search: Here you can search for products and add them to your sale.

Barcode Scanner: This is used to scan the barcode of a product using the scanner.

List View: This is used to switch to list view of the products.

Grid View: This is used to switch to grid view of the product groups.

Customer Name: This is where a customer will appear if you've added them to a sale. Tap on the relevant icons to see more details about the selected customer, edit customer details or remove the customer from this transaction.

Edit Customer: This is used when you want to edit customer information.

View Customer: This is used to view customer information. (Loyalty Points, Store Credit etc.)

Remove Customer: This is used to remove the customer from the sale.

Product Quantity: Tapping on quantity will allow you to edit the quantity of the product that you're about to sell.

Product Description: This displays the product description. (color, size etc.)

Product Price: Displays the price of the product.

Sub Total: This displays the sub total of the transaction.

Discount Given: This displays the amount or percentage discount on a per-product basis.

Surcharge Applied: This displays the surcharge that has been applied to the sale.

Tax: This displays the tax that has been applied to the sale.

Sale Total: This displays the total sale amount to be paid by the customer.

Cancel: This is used to cancel a sale. A cancelled sale becomes void and cannot be recalled.

Suspend: This is used to suspend a sale. A suspended sale can be recalled from the recent sales option under the main menu.

Sale Edit: This is used to edit a sale. Using this you can edit the discount applied, edit the surcharge, add notes to your sale transaction etc.

Pay Button: Tapping on the pay button will allow you to move to the payment screen for payment processing.

Adding products to the sale

Now that you are familiar with the sell screen, let's dive in and make some sales! First off, we'll want to add some products to the sale.

  1. There are multiple ways to add a product that you want to sell in Tagrain.
  2. Using the barcode scanner.
  3. Using the Search field to search a product.
  4. Using the scanner to scan the product barcode. 

Using the barcode scanner

Grab the barcode scanner that you have configured to use with the Tagrain App for iOS and scan the products. This will automatically add the product(s) to the sale. In case the product that you have scanned is not automatically adding to the Sell Screen, try and add it manually.

Using the search field to search a product

To search for a product, tap into the search box to Search Products using Keywords. Type in the product's name, code, brand, type, description or SKU.

Using the iPad’s camera to scan the product barcode

Tap on the search bar in Tagrain App for iOS, and then tap the barcode symbol. Position the iPad’s camera over the barcode to scan. Once scanned successfully, it will be automatically added to the Sell Screen.

Adjusting product quantities

If your customer wants to buy more than one unit/number of a certain product, you can increase the product quantity. There are 2 easy ways to do this:
  1. Re-add the product by repeating one of the steps above
  2. Change the quantity by editing the quantity field of the sale product
To edit the quantity of the sale product, tap on the quantity field against the product in the 'sale' panel. This will open up the Edit Quantity popup window. Here you can choose to either type or use the + sign to increase on the – sign to decrease the product quantity.

Similarly, if he wants to remove the unit/number of certain products, you can decrease the product quantity. This can be done by editing the quantity field of the sale product.
To remove the product from the sell screen, swipe the product from right to left.

Line Level Discounting

There a couple of ways to discount products in Tagrain. Which method you'll choose will depend on how many products you are discounting and what type of sales you're running. The method below demonstrates how to perform a line level discount.

To apply a discount for the entire sale,  click here

Every store has its own set of rules and policies around discounting. It is best to check with your store manager before applying any discount.
Line level discounts are useful when you want to discount certain products of the sale without affecting the other products. You would use discounts like this if you were running promotions or sales on certain products only.
To apply a line level discount, tap on the arrow symbol next to the line product you wish to discount and select "Discount". Then tap on the $ sign (amount) or % (percentage) sign to apply the discount. Click here to know more about editing the product at the line level.

Other product management options

Line level edit is not limited to adjusting product quantities and applying discounts. You can also add a note to the product, edit its price or remove the product from the sale entirely.

Adding a note feature can prove useful when selling customized orders. If a customer buys some jeans, shirts and shoes and wants the jeans to be altered. To achieve this, you can leave a note at the line level.

In case you end up making a typo error when typing in a note the Tagrain App for iOS is smart enough to give dictionary suggestions.
You can update the price on a line-product. Tap on the arrow symbol next to the line product and select the price column. Then tap on the + sign to increase on the – sign to decrease the product price.

Increasing or decreasing the product price option can be useful in situations where in the system price doesn’t match the price on the label.
You can remove the line product from the sale entirely. You need to swipe from right to left on the product that you intend to remove from the sale list.

Removing tax

Once you've added all your products to sell, you can remove the tax applied on the sale. To remove the tax applied, you need to tap on the arrow symbol next to the line product and select the Tax Code column.  Then tap on Exempt and save the changes. Once the changes are saved, tax exemption is applied on the sale and the App takes you back to the sale screen. Let’s try to understand this with an example. 

In the sale shown below, we are going to exempt one of the products (Men’s Fitted Solid Shirt). The total amount of sale before tax exemption is applied is $430.00.

Now let us exempt (Men’s Fitted Solid Shirt). The product that we have exempted from tax had a VAT of 7% implied on it. Save the changes.

Once the changes are saved, tax exemption is applied on the sale and the app takes you back to the sale screen. The total amount of sale after tax exemption is $417.76.

Tax rules rely solely on the law of the land. This may vary from region to region. 

If the entire sale transaction has to be “Tax Exempt” then this is to be mentioned at the Customer Level. For example, if a customer is from Armed Forces, the entire sale transaction may be exempt from tax.

Adding Surcharge

Tagrain App for iOS allows you to add a surcharge to your sale. There are 2 surcharges that come along with the demo data. In this example we are considering Gift Wrap and Shipping as 2 separate surcharges.
In the sale shown below, we are going to add surcharge on the sale.  The total amount on the sale before surcharge is applied is $460.00.

Now let us apply a Gift Wrap surcharge to the sale. The surcharge for Gift Wrap totals $5. Save the changes.

Once the changes are saved, surcharge is applied on the sale and the App takes you back to the sale screen. The total amount on the sale after surcharge has increased by $5, the amount equivalent to the surcharge amount. Sale not totals to $417.76.

To add, remove or edit a surcharge you need to log in to the Tagrain web application. Only Managers and Administrators will be able to perform this task.

Discounting the entire sale

To apply discount to the overall sale, you need to head to the bottom of the sale product list and tap on Discount. Then tap on the $ sign (amount) or % (percentage) sign to apply the discount.
In the sale shown below, we are going to apply a sale discount of 15%.  The total amount on the sale before discount is applied is $500.

Now let us apply a discount of 15% on the sale. Save the changes.

Once the changes are saved, discount is applied on the sale and the App takes you back to the sale screen. The total amount on the sale after discount has reduced by 15%, the amount equivalent to the discount applied. Sale now totals to $425.

Applying sale-wide discount is useful in scenarios wherein you are running a storewide sale campaign.

Adding a note to the sale

In addition to adding a note to a line product, you can also add a note to the entire sale.

To add a note to the entire sale, tap on the sale edit symbol. Select the notes column. Type the note you want to add to the sale, and click "Save note".

Adding a note feature can prove useful when selling customized orders. If a customer buys some trousers, shirts and shoes and wants all the products to be gift wrapped. To achieve this, you can leave a note at the transaction level.
In case you end up making a typo error when typing in a note the Tagrain App for iOS is smart enough to give dictionary suggestions.

Adding a customer to the sale

Last, but certainly not the least, you can add customer to your sale. If you'd like to record the sale you've made against a customer's name, you must add that customer to the sale. There are 2 possibilities here. Customer’s name might already exist in the database, as he might have registered himself with Tagrain at some point of time or he may be a customer who has just walked in for the first time in your store.  
If he is an existing customer, you can look him up by entering his details in the customer search bar.

Type in any one of the following details:
  1. Customer Code
  2. Customer Name
  3. Email Address
  4. Phone Number
If he is a new customer, you can add him to the database. Tap on the add customer sign. This will open up the New Customer dialog screen wherein you can provide the below information:
  1. Customer Code 
  2. Customer Name
  3. Customer Group
  4. Company Name
  5. Email
  6. Phone Number
  7. Address
To add a customer to your sale, tap on select customer and pick a customer name from the list. This will add the customer to your sale. You'll see his name appear above the line products in the top right corner.  If the name does not show up in the list add him using the steps mentioned above.
If you've picked the wrong customer, just tap on the remove symbol to remove him from the list. Perform a new search.
At this point, it is a good idea to check if the customer's details are correct. To do this, tap on View Customer's Details and this will open a window displaying the customer's basic details.

If any of the information is found out of date, tap on the pencil symbol to Edit information, update the information required, and then save the information to return to the sale.

Suspend a sale

Sometimes, you might need to suspend a sale. You can do this at any time up until you take payment for the sale. In order to achieve this, you need to tap on the suspend button and then tap OK on the confirmation dialog box.

A suspended sale transaction can be recalled from the recent sales section when the need arises.
Adding a Customer’s name to your suspended sale transaction will make it easier for you to locate the sale.

Recall a sale

You can recall a sale that has been suspended. You need to bring up the main menu and tap on recent sales. Tap on the suspended transaction and tap on the recall sign.

You can only recall a suspended sale and not a cancelled sale. A sale when cancelled becomes void. Suspended sale can be recalled from the under the recent sales screen.

Cancel a sale

You can cancel a sale using the Tagrain App for iOS. This is useful in a scenario wherein a customer walks and then decides to leave the store without purchasing any product. You need to tap on the cancel button and then tap OK on the confirmation dialog box.

If you cancel a sale, it has no payment attached to it and therefore will not be recorded or kept in the Sales Ledger or Sales History.

A cancelled sale transaction cannot be recalled unlike a suspended transaction. It becomes void. Since there is no payment attached to it, its record will not be seen in recent sales.

Accepting payment for your sale

Every store has its own set of rules and policies around accepting payments from customers. It is best to clarify your store’s practices with your store manager before accepting any payments.
The process normally goes something like this:
  1. Open the App
  2. Select the products to sell
  3. Select customer
  4. Offer Discounts, if any
  5. Add surcharges, if any
  6. Apply Tax as per the law of the land
  7. Tap the green "Pay" button to open the payments window.
  8. Select the applicable payment type.
Let’s have a quick look at what things look like in the payments screen and what's worth knowing:
The payment options will vary for a Walk-in-Customer and a Registered Customer. For walk in customers the payment can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card or Gift Card. For registered customers, additional options like Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are enabled.
The screen below shows the payment options that a cashier would see for a customer who is a frequent visitor to the store or has registered himself up with the store at some point of time.

Amount to pay:

You'll notice in the payments window there is an 'amount to pay' field. Here you can overwrite the sales total, if the customer has tendered less or more. This allows you to accurately calculate change and also enables you to split payments.
Splitting payments usually comes handy when a customer wants to make payment using more than one payment type (e.g., part cash and part credit), or if he wants to split the bill.
Let's take a look at an example of where this would prove useful: 
In this particular example a registered customer Glenn Berray has made purchases worth $740. He chose to split the payment using different payment methods as under
  1. Cash - $250
  2. Credit Card - $180
  3. Gift Card - $10
  4. Loyalty - $300

The App will display the amount of change you need to issue a customer, if required. If you are using a cash drawer with your printer (this does not apply to handheld printers), this will cause the cash drawer to open.

Sale confirmation screen

Once the payment is made using the Tagrain App for iOS, you will be presented with the sale complete confirmation screen.

If the payment is accepted, Tagrain payment screen would close, prompting you to
  1. Print the transaction receipt
  2. Request the transaction receipt over email
  3. Commence a new sale transaction
If the payment is declined, you will be returned to the payment screen to choose another payment type.

You can choose to print a sale receipt here. To achieve this, you can tap on the print symbol. If the customer wants the sale receipt to be sent over his email, you can do that too.
You will need to type in the customer’s email address in the box provided and tap on the send button, for the sale receipt to be sent to the customer over the email.
If you've made an error in selecting the payment mode, you can tap the close button in the top left-hand corner to return to the payment options.
Once you're done with the sale, you are automatically returned to the sell screen in 10 seconds.
If you tap on the email field to enter customer’s email address, the 10 second counter stops until you tap the send button.

Receipt handling

If receipts are setup for your sale register, it should print automatically. If you need to resend or reprint a receipt though, you can do this through the "Recent Sales" option. You can even send the sale receipt to his email inbox, if required.
Only administrators and managers will be able to setup Receipt printing via the Tagrain web application.

Selling and redeeming gift cards

If your store has the gift cards feature enabled, you'll be able to sell gift cards to your customers and let them pay for sales via the gift cards redemption process.

Sell a gift card:

To sell a gift card, go to the sell screen and bring up the gift card product in the search or click on the quick tile for gift card if the store manager has created one. Select a customer to whom, you need to sell that Gift Card. If the customer does not exist in the data base, click HERE to see how to add a customer.

Once you select the gift card product, you can 
  1. specify the quantity
  2. specify the price
  3. specify the serial number
  4. specify a note
Save the changes. Once changes are saved the App will take you back to the sale screen. Tap on the pay button. This will take you to the Payment screen. Select a payment method to accept the payment. Gift Card will now be listed as a payment method for this customer. Customer can choose to make payment for Gift Card using the available payment methods. This gift card is now be used by the customer to make sale payments.

Instead of typing in the gift card serial number, you can choose to scan the gift card code using a barcode scanner. 

You can edit the price of the Gift Card at the POS. It is advisable to get in touch with your manager or administrator before proceeding with the edit.

You can even apply a discount when selling Gift Cards.

The payment options will vary for a Walk-In customer and a Registered Customer. For Walk-In customers payment can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card or Gift Card. For registered customers, additional options like Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are available. 

Please check your local laws and regulations about the issuing and redemption of gift cards. Specifically, if the gift card must be allowed to be exchanged for cash. In some countries, stores are obliged to allow this.

Gift cards are cash equivalents and should be treated as such. Anyone having the Gift Card can redeem or recharge a Gift Card.
A gift card can also be clubbed along with other payment methods in a sale transaction. This extends an additional flexibility to the customer to decide how best to utilize the balance amount in a Gift Card.

Redeeming gift cards:

When a customer walks in to the store and has added the products in his bucket to purchase and now wants to redeem his gift card. You will need to tap on the pay symbol like you do for any other sale. However, upon reaching the payment screen, you will select the gift card as the payment method.

The Tagrain App for iOS will prompt you to enter the gift card serial.  You may either enter the serial manually or use a barcode scanner to scan the unique code. Once the code has been successfully punched in, you can then pay with gift card to complete the sale.
If you are getting a message that says "Please enter the valid gift card number”, try scanning the card again or entering the serial manually. Ensure that the code on the screen matches with the one on the customer's gift card. If the error occurs again please get in touch with your store manager or administrator as the gift card might not have been activated.
If a customer's sale total is greater than the balance on his gift card, you'll get an alert “Maximum redeemable amount for selected payment is: $XXX. Do you want to continue? Tap on either yes or no after a verbal consent from the customer. 

Cash Float and Petty Cash Management

Your Tagrain App for iOS comes with a Cash Management feature, that you can use to add a cash float at the beginning of the day and add and remove petty expenses during the day.

If your store has enabled Cash Management feature in Tagrain, you can use it to add a cash float the beginning of the day and add and remove petty cash.

Adding your float:

To add cash float, bring up the Cash Management screen on your Tagrain App for iOS. Tap on the Cash In button and enter a suitable amount. You should also leave a comment in the comment section when adding a cash float for your manager or administrator.
Adding a comment when adding a float, can be useful for your store manager or the administrator.

Adding and Removing Cash:

Every store has its own set of rules and policies around cash handling. It is best to check with your store manager before adding or removing the cash from the drawer.
Throughout your day you may need to add or remove cash from the cash drawer. To add or remove cash, open the sidebar menu and tap 'Cash Management'.  Here you will see the option to add cash, remove cash, or view any cash movement activity. Tap on the Cash Out button and enter a suitable amount. You should also leave a comment in the comment section when removing cash for your manager or administrator.

Track your petty expenses

You can use your Tagrain App for iOS App to keep a track of your petty expenses too. For example, cleaning products or stationery. Recording petty expenses allows you to maintain a record of expenses incurred in maintenance activities.

If you take out more petty cash than you spend, you may be left with some change. You can put this change back into your cash drawer using the 'petty cash in' option.

Viewing your sales history

The sales history can be crucial for your day-to-day business. It allows you to view previous sales, recall a suspended sale, re-print sale receipts. Tagrain App for iOS App helps you achieve this via the Recent Sales menu. All of your recent sale transactions made will be listed on the left-hand side. Tap on the sale transaction you intend to view. This will move the transaction on the right-hand side wherein you can see the 
  1. customer name
  2. product description
  3. quantity
  4. amount total
  5. discount offered
  6. tax applied
You can choose to Print, Email, Recall, Refund the sale transaction from the Transaction Selection screen. If you are unable to see your sale in the recent sale history, you can use search filters to filter your search on the basis of Transaction ID, Customer ID, Store, POS or Transaction Date.

If your iPad is offline, Tagrain App for iOS will only show you suspended sales in other registers made before you went offline. 
If you've got filters active, the customer and user search will only return sales from within that time period/outlet/status. This doesn't apply to receipts.
There is a lot you could do with Recent Sale option. Click HERE to know more.

Sale refund

Returns are, by default, turned off for cashiers, but you may be able to process them if the cashier returns function has been enabled by your store manager or administrators.

If you are able to process returns check out some of these important 'need to knows' below.
You can refund a sale using the Tagrain App for iOS. You may be required to execute a refund transaction, in a scenario wherein a customer is willing to return a good already purchased earlier. In such cases, the total amount of the good returned is refunded. There are some key points to remember when performing a sale return. 
  1. Return can be performed for some products in the sale transaction. (Partial)
  2. Return can be performed for all the products in the sale transaction (Full)
  3. Return can be performed for a customer who is not carrying the sale receipt. 
  4. Return can be performed for a customer who is carrying the sale receipt.
The refund policy may vary for different stores. It is advisable to check with your store manager before processing any refund.
There is no difference in the steps performed to process a refund for a Walk-In customer or a registered customer. However, the mode of refund varies.
Pull up your recent sales menu on the Tagrain App for iOS. Perform a transaction search using the Transaction Selection screen. Tap on the sale transaction for which you need to raise a refund. Tap the refund sign. This will load the customer's sale will into the sell screen. Click HERE to know more about how to retrieve recent sales made.

You may ask the customer if he is a registered Tagrain customer and is carrying his sale receipt.

For unregistered customers refund can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card. For registered customers, additional options like Gift Card, Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are enabled.

All the products from the original sale that is being refunded, will appear at the original sale amounts, including discounts, if any.

Different retail stores have different rules about what products can and cannot be returned so it is useful to check in with your supervisor about this before processing any returns.
The product(s) in this sale should now all be on the sell screen they'll show as negative amounts. If it is a multi-product sale, the customer may only wish to return one of the products. If this is the case swipe right to left on any products the customer does not want to return.

Once you are happy with how it looks, tap the 'Pay' button.

Confirm how the customer would like to have the refund. After you have confirmed this with the customer, choose which payment type you wish to use to finish the return.

Closing the Register

An important part of the daily process is closing off the register. Using the Tagrain App for iOS, you can close the web register. On your Tagrain App for iOS, bring up the main menu and tap on Close Register. This will mark the register as closed and save any sales & payments from the session.

You can choose to print a copy of the register closure report, which outlines sales and payment totals for the day. This will print from your standard receipt printer.

To do this, tap the top left menu icon, then choose 'Close Register'.

Here you'll see each payment type and the amount expected. If your closing totals are different to those the register has calculated (e.g., cash is up or down on expected) you can overwrite the totals here.

If your closing totals are different to those the App has calculated (e.g., cash is up or down on expected) you can overwrite the totals here.
Upon closure, you will see “We Are Closed” screen.  To open the register again, see the open register section.

You'll be able to reprint this until you next close your register. Just tap the menu icon to open the side navigation menu, and choose Close Register option.

Exiting the store

This is an extra option provided in Tagrain App for iOS, to ensure that all users are logged out at the end of the day. To achieve this, tap the menu icon and tap on the Logout sign.

You must close your register before exiting your store. This is applicable for all the users, including managers and admins.

Opening the register

Next time you log in to your Tagrain App for iOS, you will be required to open your register first before you could begin making sales. To achieve this, you need to tap on Open Register button.

Upon clicking Open Register, you will be required to enter an opening amount. Enter an opening amount and tap on Start Selling.

The sale screen has been explained earlier in the document.
You need to select the POS and supply your email address and password to log into the App.
On the Open Register screen, you have the option to switch POS.

Additional Information

For more information on performing sale using the Tagrain App for iOS, you can visit the below topics:
Using Tagrain App For iOS
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