Create and Manage Vendors in Tagrain

Create and Manage Vendors in Tagrain


As and when your business grows, the customer database or in easy words customer records will also grow. And to continue to attract new customers and expand your business, you will always be having to be on your toes to fulfil their frequently changing demands. To achieve this, you may have to approach new Vendors. 

A Vendor is a business partner from whom a business purchases products. A Vendor can be a company or an individual. In the application, Vendor is required while creating a purchase order and in a few other transactions. A Vendor can be created by a back-office user.
You can place Vendors in groups for easy management. You can choose to group your vendors based on some common characteristics or features. For example, you may group your vendor on the basis of Region, Locality, Distance from Store etc. 

Steps to add a Vendor

In this section, we will look at how to add a Vendor  in Tagrain.

Login to the application and navigate to Home > Vendor > Vendor. The Vendor screen is displayed. Here, all the existing Vendor records are listed.

Click “Add Vendor” button to open the “Create Vendor” card.
Specify a name for your Vendor. Here, in this example we are going to create a Vendor named “Pacific Blues”.

Specify the Vendor Code and pick a Vendor Group by clicking on the […] button. 

Vendor Code will be automatically generated. To set your own custom code, you need to tick the box and then specify the Vendor code.

Mark the Vendor as "Active" If the Vendor is not marked as "Active" then you will not be able to purchase inventory from that Vendor. 

Specify the Vendor's email and web page address, if any.  

Specify the Vendor's Tax Number and Tax Code. 

A sample filled in Create Vendor card would look something like the image below:
As you may see in the image above, the Create Vendor card has one more section to it – Address.

The Address screen will include information like City | Zip Code | Country | State etc. A sample filled in Address card is pasted here.
Once you have filled in the required fields, you may click on the “Save“ button to save the Vendor record. The newly created Vendor will then appear on the Vendor screen. In our example we have just created a new Vendor record by the name of “Pacific Blues”. 

Update Vendor

Click on the symbol to bring up the “Update Vendor” page, wherein you can update vendor name | vendor code | vendor group | email etc.

Delete Vendor

Click on the symbol to delete the vendor record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click “Yes” to delete the vendor record and click “Cancel” to cancel the deletion and exit the dialog box.

Import Vendor

Tagrain allows you to Import a vendor record.

Click on the "Import" symbol to import a vendor record. Click on the “Import” icon and navigate to the location where your Vendor.xls file is kept. Select the file and click OK. A simple Vendor.xls file may contain a list of Vendors along with their code.

Export Vendor

Tagrain allows you to Export a vendor record.

Click on the "Export" symbol to export a vendor record. Click on the “Export” icon and navigate to the location where you want to save the Vendor.xls file. A simple Vendor.xls file may contain a list of Vendors along with their code.
Suggested Readings
Vendor Groups
Importing and Exporting Vendors in Tagrain
Exporting Vendor Groups in Tagrain ​​​​​​​

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