A Customer is a business partner to whom a business sells its goods or services in exchange for money.
You can create a customer in Tagrain using the Web Register or using the customer master screen at the back-office console.

Home > Customer > Customer
Customer Group is the only prerequisite to create a customer master. It also helps to categorize customer data into appropriate categories.
Steps To Create A Customer
There are multiple ways to create a customer in Tagrain. You can create a customer using the Web Register or using the customer master screen at the back-office console.
In either case, you will encounter the Create Customer Master screen. This screen is split into sections called accordions. These are:
Header Section
Use this section to capture personal information, like email address, phone number, etc
Additional Information Section
Use this section to capture linkable information, like date of birth, anniversary date, etc
Address Section
Use this section to capture demographic information, like street address, state, country etc
You are required to fill in the required information on the Create Customer Master screen including the mandatory fields such as Customer Name, Customer Group, etc from the available valid values to create a new customer. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark.
When you approach the Create Customer Master screen via the Web Register, you will be able to perform the following tasks:
--Edit Customer Information
--View Customer Information
Using the Web Register
Navigate to: Home > Web Register to open the POS terminal. This screen is split into two main sections.
The section on the Left displays the POS Grid Tiles, which are clickable and perform their designated function, like viewing recent sale transactions, suspending a transaction, cancelling a transaction, etc.
The section on the Right displays the Transaction Screen, where all the sale related information like product purchased, its quantity, its price, total amount to be paid, etc. is displayed.
Locate and click the Create Customer tile on the POS Grid screen to open the Create Customer Master screen to accomplish the task.
When you approach the Create Customer Master screen via the Web Register, you will be able to perform the following tasks:
--Edit Customer Information
--View Customer Information
--Delete Customer Information
--Import Customer Information
--Export Customer Information
Using the Customer Master Screen
Navigate to: Home > Customer > Customer to open the Customer List View screen. All the existing customers are listed here on this screen.
Click the Add Customer button on the top right corner of the screen to open the Create Customer Master screen to accomplish the task.
Customer Master Screen Explained
The various fields in the Customer Master Screen are explained below:
Customer Name:
Specify the name of the customer.
Customer Code:
This is automatically generated. However, if you want to set your own custom code, you need to tick the box and then specify the customer code. Specify a customer code using a combination of alphabets and numbers to uniquely identify your customer.
Customer Group:
Specify the customer group to which the customer belongs. It helps in logical grouping of customers for better reporting and analysis.
Company Name:
Specify the name of the company where the customer is employed.
Specify the email address of the customer.
Specify the customer's phone number.
Enroll For Loyalty Program
Switching this ON will enroll the customer in your Loyalty Program. This is an optional field and will be enabled only if the Loyalty is enabled in settings. The "Loyalty" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Customer Loyalty Management" plugin.
This switch determines if the customer is active or not. Customers who are not active cannot be transacted on the Web Register.
Tax Exempt:
Switch this ON or OFF to mark whether taxes are applicable to this customer or not. For example, customers in Armed Forces, Farmers, etc. are normally Tax Exempt.
Tax Number:
Specify the Tax number allocated.
Credit Limit:
Define the available credit limit of a customer up to which they can buy using an “On Account” payment type. You need to activate the Customer and Credit Management plugin to unlock this feature.
Date of Birth:
Capture the birth date of the customer.
Anniversary Date:
Capture the anniversary date (if applicable) of the customer.
Send Marketing and Promotional Emails:
Switching this field ON will subscribe the customer to the marketing and promotional emails.
Specify the street address.
Specify the city of residence.
Zip Code
Specify the postal code of the residence.
Specify the country of residence.
Specify the state of residence.
Once you have filled in the required information including the mandatory field click the Save button, to save the customer data and exit the screen.
Picture 1

It is advisable to create all Customer Groups before creating Customers to avoid any validation errors.
Click the Edit symbol to open the Update Customer page, wherein you can update customer code | customer name | customer group | company name | email | phone etc.
Click the Edit symbol to open the Update Customer page, wherein you can update customer code | customer name | customer group | company name | email | phone etc.

You can choose to add/upload a customer’s image by clicking the Upload Customer Image icon on the extreme right-hand corner.
Click the Delete symbol to delete a customer record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete and Cancel to close the confirmation dialog box and return to the Customer List View screen.
Click on the Import symbol to import customer data. Navigate to the location where you have saved the customer.xls file. Select the customer.xls file and click OK to start the import. The application will indicate in the bottom right corner of the screen when the data upload starts. Upon completion, a notification pop up would appear in the notification center to notify if the import was successful.
Click on the Export symbol to download the customer.xls file. The file by default will get downloaded to your “Downloads” folder. In case you want to save the file to a different location on your drive, you may click the “Save As” button and then navigate to your desired location on the drive and save the customer.xls file.
Suggested Readings
Importing and Exporting customer in Tagrain