Customer group is a method of grouping customers based on some common characteristics or features. In the application, Customer Group is created by a back-office user either at the Store OR at the Head Office. Customer group is a prerequisite to define a customer master in the application. It also helps to categorize the customer data into appropriate categories.

Home > Customer > Customer Group
There are no specific prerequisites for creating a Customer Group in Tagrain.
Create A Customer Group
Go to Home > Customer > Customer Group. This will bring up the “Customer Group List View” screen. All the existing customer groups will be listed here on this screen.
Picture 1
Click on the Add Customer Group button on the top right corner.
It will open the “Create Customer Group” card.
Picture 2Fill in the required fields. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the “Create Customer Group” card are explained below:
Enter the name of the group to categorize the customers.
Tax Code:
Provide the Tax Code for the customer group from the predefined list of Tax Codes. All the customers who fall in this group will be applicable to the selected Tax code once it is set.
Is Default:
Setting the group as “Is Default” will automatically set this product group on all new customers created, the group can be changed.
For BIR accreditation, the application should allow you to offer a specific percentage discount (at the transaction level) to Senior Citizens (SC) and Persons With Disability (PWD).
To automate this, two separate customer groups - Senior Citizen Group (SC) and Person With Disability Group (PWD) are created on BIR enablement.
This allows you to specify the Senior Citizen Group (SC) and Person With Disability (PWD) Group when configuring the Spend X | Save an Amount Promotion for Senior Citizen Discount and Person With Disability Discount.
For more information you may refer to the article on BIR - Global Settings.
Once all the details have been filled, click the “Save” button, to save and exit the “customer group card” screen.Edit A Customer Group
Click on the symbol to bring up the “Update Customer Group” page, wherein you can update customer group code | customer group description | customer group tax code etc.
Delete A Customer Group
Click on the symbol to delete a customer group record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click “Yes” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to return to the “Customer Group List View” screen.
Import A Customer Group
Tagrain application does not allow you to Import a Customer Group record.
Export A Customer Group
Tagrain application allows you to “Export” a Customer Group record. Click on the Export symbol to export a customer group record. Clicking on the “Export” symbol will download the Customer Group.xls file. Click on the "Save as" button and navigate to the location where you want to save the Customer Group.xls file. Click the "Save" button to save the downloaded file.
Suggested Readings
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