Customer Orders and Delivery Management Plugin Features

Customer Orders and Delivery Management Plugin Features


Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain and allows you to further extend the capabilities of their Tagrain edition. It allowsyou to add omnichannel capabilities to the existing Tagrain application. With this plugin subscribed and activated, retailers can uniquely identify an order from a customer, capture customer specific instructions, offer customers to buy products online and facilitate in-store pickups. You may be required to book a customer specific order aka special order, in one of the below scenarios:
Scenario 1 – Customer wants to pick them up from a store.
Scenario 2 – Customer wants to get them delivered at a specified address. 


Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain. The plugin once purchased and activated allows you to further extend the capabilities of their TAGRAIN edition. Some of the prominent features are explained in the section below:

Customer Order management

As the business grows, so do the customers. This plugin allows retailers to enhance customer service by helping them uniquely identify customer orders and capture customer specific instructions related to that order.

In-store pickups

There comes a point where the retailers would like to offer their customers an in-store pickup option. This plugin allows retailers to accept customer orders through any channel but allows customers to pick up the goods by walking into a nearby store. This is also the first step in offering omnichannel capabilities to your customers.

Home Delivery

This plugin allows you to start offering home deliveries or deliveries to specific addresses. This option is extremely useful when you book a lot of orders on phones or when you receive online orders from Shopify. This plugin also allows you to update the tracking information like tracking number, tracking url on the delivery document helping the customer to track the shipment.

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