


Dashboard is the information management tool that visually tracks, analyzes, and displays key performance indicators (KPI). It displays business performance in the form of statistics and reports. It is categorized into three main display areas for performance indicators namely Statistics, Sales, and Products. Each of these display areas have been further categorized into widgets. These dashboards can be generated for a specific date range of choice. 

Steps To Go The Dashboard

Go to Home > Dashboard

Select the date range for which information is to be displayed on the retail Dashboard.

Click on the “Reload” button.

The dashboard displays the KPI information for the duration specified for all the stores in the company. 
Tagrain Dashboard is divided into the following sections:
  1. Statistics
  2. Sales
  3. Products

Widgets under Dashboard - Statistics

Picture 1

The screenshot above depicts the Statistics Section of the Tagrain Dashboard. This screen was captured from a newly created tenant that is yet to begin retail operations.

Mentioned below are the different widgets under the Statistics dashboard.

Total Sales
It refers to the total amount of sales made during the selected date range.

Credit Given
It refers to the total amount of On-Account transactions where the customer paid based on the credit limit assigned to the customer.

Total Transactions
It refers to the total number for transactions that took place at the POS during the selected date range. 

Average Transaction Size
It refers to the average amount of the total transactions that took place at the POs during the selected date range. 

New Customers
It refers to the number of new customers created or setup in the application during the selected date range.

New Loyalty Customers
It refers to the number of new customers who became a part of the loyalty club.
Gift Cards Sold
It refers to the amount of Gift Cards sold and their redeemed percentage during the selected date range.

Accumulated Loyalty Value
It refers to the amount accumulated as loyalty points during the selected date range.

Total Payments Received
It refers to the total amount of payments received by the store during the selected date range, along with the expenses incurred by the store.

Widgets under Dashboard - Sales

Picture 2

The screenshot above depicts the Sales Section of the Tagrain Dashboard. This screen was captured from a newly created tenant that is yet to begin retail operations.

Sales By Store
It is the graphical representation of the sales made by the store in the selected date range.
Sales By Cashier
It is the graphical representation of the sales made by a cashier at the web register, in the selected date range.

Sales Data
It is the graphical representation of the comparison made between sales made by the stores and the refunds processed by the stores, in the selected date range. It can be monitored on a daily or monthly basis.

Collection By Payment Type
It is the pie-chart representation of the collections made by the store via the different payment types as set up in the application. Some common examples are - Cash, Credit Card, On Account, Gift Card, Loyalty.

Widgets under Dashboard - Products

Picture 3

The screenshot above depicts the Products Section of the Tagrain Dashboard. This screen was captured from a newly created tenant that is yet to begin retail operations.

Top Selling Products
It is a tabular representation of the Top selling products, in the selected date range. It allows you to select the product order from highest to lowest or vice versa by clicking on the respective column.  

Top Customers
It is a tabular representation of the Top customers, in the selected date range. It allows you to select the customer order from highest to lowest or vice versa by clicking on the respective column. 

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