Do I need to create a new Document Number Series for stock counting?
Though it is not mandatory to create a Stock Counting Document Number Series. However, we recommend creating one for Stock Counting. Creating a Document Number Series will help you identify a Stock Count document through its number, You can navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management > Stores. Click on the Edit symbol next to the Store for which you want to create the Stock Counting Document Number Series. Expand the Document Number Series accordion then add Stock Count as the Document Type. Specify the Prefix, Start Number, End Number and the desired increment in value. Click the Save button to save the settings and exit the Store Master screen.

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired.

There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Stock Counting plugin AND not updating your Store / POS count.