Does Tagrain integrate to an existing Shopify site?

Does Tagrain integrate to an existing Shopify site?


Tagrain can integrate to an existing Shopify site via the “Tagrain Shopify Integration” plugin. This plugin seamlessly integrates Tagrain and Shopify allowing retailers to further extend the capabilities of their ESSENTIAL edition. It allows them to sell online as well as in-store.

Retailers coming from Tagrain via activation of the Tagrain-Shopify Integration Plugin will not be required to go through any configuration to set up their Tagrain system in OneEnterprise.

Integration Scenarios

When integrating Tagrain with Shopify, a retailer may come across the below scenarios:

Scenario 1. Retailer already has an existing Shopify Site.

In case the Retailer already has an existing Shopify site, he simply needs to procure the API Key and the API Password from the “Private App Creation” screen to integrate his existing Shopify Site. See: How do I integrate my Tagrain edition with Shopify?

The “Private App Creation” screen displays information critical to your deployment like The Private App’s Name | The developers Email Address | The API Keys | The API Password |The Shared Secret etc. and should be dealt with caution.

Scenario 2. Retailer has created a new Shopify Site.

In case the Retailer does not have an existing Shopify account, he needs to create one. See: How to create a Shopify account? He would require the API Key and the API password to integrate his new Shopify Site with Tagrain. The retailer needs to register himself on the Shopify Portal to generate his Shopify credentials. Once generated, he needs to log into his Shopify Portal using those credentials. The credentials generally would comprise of his complete email address and password. The retailer needs to “Enable private app deployment” after agreeing to the terms and conditions laid therein and fill in the required information on the “Create Private App Configuration” page to create one. Upon successful creation of the App, the retailer is presented with the API Keys and the API password on the “Private App Creation” screen.

The “Private App Creation” screen displays information critical to your deployment like The Private App’s Name | The developers Email Address | The API Keys | The API Password |The Shared Secret etc. and should be dealt with caution.

Whether the Retailer is integrating his existing site or has created a new site, he is required to calibrate the master data between the two systems - Tagrain and Shopify, to ensure smooth hassle-free integration. The master objects may vary depending upon the solution being deployed. See: How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify? In Tagrain Shopify deployment, the following master objects are initialized:

  1. Customer Data
    For the Customer master object, retailers will not be asked to perform any action. The system does that for them and displays the green symbol on the master object upon successful initialization. See: How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify?
The customer data integration is unidirectional. It means the relevant customer data gets transferred from Shopify to Tagrain. You may click on the accordion to view the details.
  1. Product Data
    For the Product master object, retailers will be required to provide their input. The system displays a yellow symbol on the master object indicating that an input from them is required. See: How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify?
The product data integration is bidirectional. It means the relevant product data gets transferred from Shopify to Tagrain AND Tagrain to Shopify. As a part of the initialisation process, you will have the option to decide which products need to be updated or created new.

Suggested Readings

Where to find my Shopify API keys?
How to activate the Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin?
How to deactivate Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin?
Subscription Management in Tagrain
How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify?

Suggested Videos

How to activate and deactivate the Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin?

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