Export Collections and Delivery Orders Report in Tagrain

Export Collections and Delivery Orders Report in Tagrain

Please Note – Collections and Delivery Orders Report is available in ENTERPRISE Edition.


To generate a snapshot of the Fulfilment activities, when managing the Tagrain application, you can make use of the excel based export template. This allows you to view the Delivery methods and track Fulfilments. This feature is useful for managers and administrators who are responsible for application management.

Steps to Export the Collections and Delivery Orders Report in Tagrain

The steps to export the Collections and Delivery Orders Report using the excel template are listed below:
  1. Open the Tagrain Web application. 
  2. Navigate to: Home > Reports > Collections and Delivery Orders Report.
  3. Select a Store Target by clicking on the […] button.
  4. Specify the date range by clicking on the Calendar icon. 
  5. Select a customer by clicking on the […] button.
  6. Specify the sale order “Type”.
  7. Specify the sale order “Status”. 
  8. Click on the “Export” symbol on the Collections and Delivery Orders Report Master Screen. This will download the entire Collections and Delivery Orders Report Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can be utilized for further analysis.

The template has tooltips to assist you validate the values and information therein.

The table below shows the Collections and Delivery Orders Report.xls file headers that are available to manage the Sale Target Data.

Transaction ID
Displays the sale transaction ID. This can be alpha-numeric. 

Displays the store name for which the report is generated.

Displays the POS name for which the report is generated.

Displays the POS user.

Actual Date
Displays the actual date when the transaction occurred.

Displays the customer’s name against which the report is generated.

Displays the amount total of the sale order.

Transaction Status
Displays the status of the Store Pickups and Home Deliveries.

Delivery Option Type
Displays whether the order is a Store Pickup or a Home Delivery.

Suggested Readings

How to view the Collections and Delivery Orders Report in Tagrain?

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