Export Manufacturer (Brand) Information

Export Manufacturer (Brand) Information


Tagrain allows you to Export Manufacturer (Brand) information. You can use this feature to know the total number of Manufacturers (Brands) that you are dealing with, at a given time.  This feature is primarily meant for managers and administrators who are responsible for application management. 

Steps to Export Manufacturer (Brand) Information

The steps to export the Manufacturer (Brand) information are listed below:

Step 1. Click the Export button on the Manufacturer (Brand) List View screen

Step 2. Browse to a location where you want to save the manufacturer.xls file. 

Step 3. Click on the Save As button to save the manufacturer.xls file to your desired location.

The manufacturer.xls file is a spreadsheet file and can be opened using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets or any compatible spreadsheet processor.

Manage the Manufacturer (Brand) Information

The steps to export the Manufacturer (Brand) information are listed below:

Step 1. Navigate to the location where the manufacturer.xls file is saved.

Step 2. Open the file to view or edit Manufacturer (Brand) information.

The manufacturer.xls file holds the entire Manufacturer (Brand) Master data which can further be utilized for analysis and reporting.
The template has tooltips to assist you in understanding and filling up the sheet 

Information Contained in the Excel File

The table below shows the manufacturer.xls file headers that are available to manage the Manufacturer (Brand) data.

This field is used to specify the Name for the Manufacturer (Brand). 

Suggested Reading

How to add a Manufacturer (Brand)?

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