Export Stores in Tagrain

Export Stores in Tagrain


To know the total number of Stores that you are dealing with, when managing the Tagrain application, you can make use of the excel based export template. This allows you to view the Stores available. This feature is useful for managers and administrators who are responsible for application management.

Steps to Export the Stores in Tagrain

The steps to export Stores using the excel template are listed below:
  1. Click on the “Export” symbol on the Store Master Screen. This will download the entire Store Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can be further be utilized for further analysis purposes.

  1. The template can be used to validate the values and information therein.

The table below shows the Store.xls file headers that are available to manage the Store Data.

This field displays the Name of the Store.

Tax Number
This field displays the Tax Number.

Tax Code
This field displays the Tax Code applicable on the Store. The available values are: VAT and Exempt.

Is Active
This field displays if the Store is active. The available values are: True and False.

This field displays the Store’s postal address.

This field displays the Name of the City where the Store is located.

Zip Code
This field displays the Zip Code of the place where the Store is located.

This field displays the Name of the Country where the Store’s Registered Office is located.

This field displays the Name of the State where the Store’s Registered Office is located.

Phone Number
This field displays the Store’s Phone Number.

Alternate Phone Number
This field displays the Store’s Alternate Phone Number.

Suggested Readings

How to setup your Store in Tagrain?

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