Export Tender Collection Report in Tagrain

Export Tender Collection Report in Tagrain


To generate a snapshot of the total tender collected by a store, when managing the Tagrain application, you can make use of the excel based export template. This allows you to review and analyze the total tender collection done by the selected store, for the date range specified. This feature is useful for managers and administrators who are responsible for application management.

Steps to Export Tender Collection Report Data

The steps to export the Tender Collection Report Data using the excel template are listed below:
  1. Open the Tagrain Web application. Navigate to: Home > Reports > Tender Collection Report. 
  2. Click on the “Tender Type” drop-down to pick a filter.

  1. Select a Store by clicking on the […] button.
  2. Specify the date range by clicking on the Calendar icon.  
  3. Click on the “Export” symbol on the Tender Collection Report Master Screen. This will download the entire Tender Collection Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can be further be utilized for further analysis purposes.

The template helps you validate the values and information therein.

The table below shows the Tender Collection Report.xls file headers that are available to manage the Tender Collection Data.

Tender Type
This field displays the type of tender. The available values are: 1 – For Credit Card, 2 – For Debit Card, 3 – For Gift Card, 4 – For On Account, 5 - For Cheque, 6 – For Traveller’s Cheque, 7 – For Foreign Currency, 8 – For Voucher, 9 – For Loyalty, 10 – For Custom, 11 – For Store Credit and 14 – For EBT. 
This field displays the name of the Tender, depending upon the Tender Type selected. 
Total Amount
This field displays the total amount of Tender received.

Suggested Reading

How to view Tender Collection Report in Tagrain?

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