Getting Started With Tagrain - DIY Video Series

Getting Started With Tagrain - DIY Video Series

Setup Taxes (Video 1 of 11)

Tagrain POS automatically creates the default Tax Codes for you. All this is done during the initial sign up process. These tax codes are based on your geographical location. Should you prefer creating additional Tax Codes this DIY(Do-it-yourself) video will help you get acquainted with setting up Taxes. This Tax Code setting will rule your pricing at the Point of Sale.

Setup Stores, POS and Receipt Format (Video 2 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY(Do-it-yourself) video series talks about Store and POS setup. In addition to this it also covers Receipt Formats. All your transactions when concluded at the Point of Sale will generate a Receipt. All the information that you see on this receipt is actually controlled by the Receipt Format Template.

Setup Users and Permissions (Video 3 of 11)

Tagrain POS system allows you to create new users. Furthermore it allows you to assign roles and permissions to these users. Based on which, they can either have access to Web Register or back-office console or both. This video in the Tagrain DIY (Do-it-yourself) video series helps you get acquainted with setting up Users and defining access levels for them.

Setup Payment Types (Video 4 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY (Do it yourself) series helps you familiarize yourself with the process of setting up multiple payment types. Hence, your customers have the flexibility to pay in the way they prefer. If you choose to add additional payment types, this DIY (Do it yourself) video will help you get acquainted with creating new payment types, editing/ deleting them, or rounding off the total amount.

Create and Manage Standard Products (Video 5 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY (Do-it-yourself) video series helps you get familiar with the process of creating standard products. It also gives you an overview of other product related settings like Pricing and Costing, Inventory, etc.

Create and Manage Customers (Video 6 of 11)

You sell your products to customers to generate revenue. These products are sold to customers. If you'd like to record the sale you've made against a customer's name, you must add that customer to the sale. This video in the Tagrain DIY(Do-it-yourself) video series helps you get acquainted with creating customers.

Process Quick Sale and Refunds (Video 7 of 11)

The end goal of any retail business is to sell products to generate revenue. This video in the Tagrain DIY video series helps you get acquainted with the steps involved in performing a sale transaction. It also gives you an overview on how to deal with sales refunds using the Point of Sale terminal.

Cash-In, Cash-Out, Expenses, X Tape and Day End (Z Tape) report (Video 8 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY (Do-it-yourself) video series helps you get acquainted with recording cash-in, cash-out, and expenses in the cash drawer or register. Along with this It also covers the X-Tape and Z-Tape reports. For more detail watch this video.

Goods Receipt and Goods Issue (Video 9 of 11)

Tagrain facilitates in and out movement of goods by Goods Receipt and Goods Issue. This video in the Tagrain DIY(Do-it-yourself) Video Series helps you get familiar with the Goods Issue and the Goods Receipts back-office inventory transactions.

Discounts and Surcharges (Video 10 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with offering discounts and applying surcharges to a sale transaction.

Reports and Dashboards (Video 11 of 11)

This video in the Tagrain DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with various types of reports in Tagrain. It briefly showcases the Dashboard and illustrates how to run these reports, read their data, and export them.

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