Gift Card Management

Gift Card Management


This section allows you to view the existing gift cards in the application. Here you can see which gift cards have been issued and what is their balance amount. In addition to this, you can see their usage history.
You cannot create gift cards from this screen. Gift card management allows viewing and adjustments to existing gift cards. Access to this function should be strictly limited.
Home > Gift Cards > Gift Card Management


Gift cards need to be set up.
Gift cards must have been sold.

Add a Gift Card

Gift cards are not created from the gift cards management screen. Gift card management ONLY allows viewing and adjustments to existing gift cards. 
The "Gift Card" feature is unlocked upon activation of the "Gift Cards and Credit Memo" plugin. 

View / Edit A Gift Card

Navigate to Home > Gift Cards > Gift Card Management. The Gift Card Management screen comes up. Click on the view symbol at the end of the line.

On this screen, you can see all the gift cards in the system. These gift cards were created from the template defined in the gift card section. Please see the gift card section for more information.

On the “Update Gift Card” screen, you can see the gift card details.

Gift Card Code:
The gift card code indicates what template was used for this gift card.

Customer ID:
The customer ID indicates which customer the gift card was sold to.

Store ID:
The Issue Store ID indicates the store the gift card was sold from

Valid Date:
The Valid Date indicates how long the gift card is valid too. If no validity period was specified in the gift card template, then the valid date will be set to 01/01/0001. This indicates that the gift card is valid forever. The validity date can be changed.

Serial Number:
The serial number of the gift card can be seen. This is the serial number that was set to the gift card when it was sold from the POS.

Balance Amount:
The Balance Amount of the gift card indicates the outstanding value of the gift card. This is changed as the gift card is redeemed at the POS.

Recharge/Redeem Amount:
The Recharge/Redeem Amount function allows for users manually to increase (Recharge) or decrease (Redeem) balance amount.

Reason Code:
You can enter in a reason code when you are making changes to the gift card to keep track of why the gift card was changed.

View History:
Clicking on the View History section will allow you to view the history of the gift card. Here you can see the transactions that have affected the gift card. These transactions include, but are not limited to, the initial sale to the customer, manual adjustments, and redemptions against the specific gift card. The fields in the view history field are as follows:

This field indicates the type of transaction that has affected the gift card. These transactions include, but are not limited to, the initial sale to the customer, manual adjustments, and redemption against the specific gift card.

This field indicates the amount the gift card has been adjusted by.

Creation Time:
This field indicates the time and date the gift card was affected. If the Amount field shows a zero (0) and the history shows a change, then it means another field on the gift card was affected, like the valid date field.

This field indicates which user affected the gift card. All changes to the gift card are recorded for reporting purposes.

Once you have finished editing the Gift Card, then you can either select the Save icon to save it to the system or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Recharge/Redeem a Gift Card

Recharge a Gift Card

To Recharge the gift card, enter a positive number in the Recharge/Redeem Amount field. For example, entering 10 will increase the value of the balance amount by 10.

Redeem a Gift Card

To Redeem the gift card, enter a negative number in the Recharge/Redeem Amount field by putting a minus (-) in front of the number. For example, entering -10 will decrease the value of the balance amount by 10.

Delete a Gift Card

You can only delete a Gift Card that has not been issued.  A Gift Card once issued, cannot be deleted because of the transaction history that gets generated against them. However, a Gift Card can be rendered inactive by either changing the validity date or changing the balance amount to zero (0). Please see how to edit a gift card for steps on how to do this. 
Access to this function should be strictly limited to people who need to be able to see the gift cards in the system.
Gift cards are equivalent to currency. This means similar procedures as handling currency should be in place for gift cards. This especially applies to the gift card management system because people can change the values of the gift cards.

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