Goods Issue

Goods Issue

The "Goods Issue” feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate any one of the following plugins:
-- Variant and Composite Product Management
-- Serial and Batch Product Management
-- Product Purchase Management


A Goods Issue transaction is used to issue OUT products from the store. This can also be used for stock adjustments.

Home > Inventory Transactions > Goods Issue


In this guide we will focus on the Goods Issue. However, before using the Goods Issue feature in Tagrain, it is advised that you create the following masters in the application:
Tax Settings

Steps To Create Goods Issue

Login to your Tagrain application. Navigate to:  Home > Inventory Transactions > Goods Issue to open the Goods Issue List View Screen. All the existing Goods Issue will be listed on this screen.
Use this Goods Issue List View Screen to do the following:

View the Goods Issue
Click on the Eye symbol to view the Goods Issue document. This document lists all the products that were issued out in the Goods Issue. However, the document will NOT detail the status of individual products – whether they have been fully issued or partially issued.

Click on the Add Goods Issue button to open the Create Goods Issue screen. This screen is divided into 3 sections: 
The Header
The Body (Grid)
The Footer

The Goods Issue Header

Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Issue Header including the mandatory fields such as Store, Goods Issue Number, and the Document Date. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the Create Goods Issue Header are explained in the upcoming section.

You can type in the Store name or alternatively click on the […] to pick a Store name from the available list of Stores. This is the store that is issuing the products out. In this example, we have selected the Store as the Vivo City Store. 

Goods Issue Number: 
The application automatically generates a Goods Issue Number based on the Document Number Series defined for the Store. However, if you want to set your own custom number, click inside the box and then type in your Goods Issue Number. The Goods Receipt Number can be an alphanumeric number. 

Document Date:
The application by default takes today’s date as the Goods Issue Date. The date is displayed in the format specified in the General Settings.

Business Partner Type:
Select the appropriate business partner type value from the drop-down list. The available options are: None, Customer, and Vendor. In this example we have selected Vendor as the Business Partner Type.       

Customer | Vendor:
Type in the Customer Name or the Vendor Name. Alternatively, click on the […] to pick a customer or a vendor from the list available. This setting depends upon the Business Partner Type selection made above. In this example we have selected V1003 - Red Leaf Inc, as our Vendor. 

The Goods Issue Body (Grid)
Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Issue Body (Grid) such as Product, Quantity to receive, etc.  The various fields in the Create Goods Issue Body are explained in the upcoming section.

Product(s) can be selected in the grid either by typing the product code or description. You can either type in the name of the product or click on the […] to pick a product from the available list of products. This would be the product that you want to issue out. In this example, we have selected the following products:
ITM-60 - POLO T Shirt
WB-1002 - Blue Lola Tote

Specify the Quantity to be issued out. In this example, we are issuing 30 pieces of ITM-60 - POLO T Shirt, and 15 pieces of WB-1002 - Blue Lola Tote out to our vendor Red Leaf Inc.

Unit of Measure
Specify the UoM. This column would ONLY be visible if the Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin has been purchased and subscribed to. 

This field displays the cost of the product (as mentioned in the product master). The price is fetched automatically if it is set in product master as an Item Cost.

Tax Code: 
This is an editable field and defaults the Tax Code that is applicable on the From Store. 

This field displays the Tax levied and depends on the Tax Code field explained above. 

Discount Type
This field allows you to select the discount type. You can either specify a percentage or an absolute amount as the discount type.

This field displays the discount value which can be a percentage or an amount depending on the Discount Type selected in the previous column.

Specify the comments for this Goods Issue.

Line Total
This field displays the row total. [Row Total = (Quantity x Price) + Tax] In our example the Row Total for ITM-60  is: (30 x 200) + 420 = 6420. 
The actions column contains the delete action button. This button allows you to delete a row on the created goods issue grid. If the product selected in the grid is a serial or a batch product, you will also see a list button along with the delete action button. This list button lets you specify the serial / batch numbers for that serial product in the row. 
Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Issue Footer.  The various fields in the Create Goods Issue Footer are explained in the upcoming section.

Specify the comments for this Goods Issue in the comments section.. 

Sub Total
This field displays the sum of Line Total. 

This field displays the sum total of the Tax column. 

This field displays the sum of SubTotal + Tax.

Click the Save button on the Create Goods Issue Screen to generate a Goods Issue receipt. 

Goods Issue Grid Settings

At the top right corner of the Goods Issue List View Screen there is a gear icon. Click on this icon to show or hide the columns on the Goods Receipt Grid. You can select the columns that you would like to see on the Goods Receipt Grid Screen Grid. The selection is saved for the user and is not a global selection.

Suggested Readings

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