


Tagrain Handheld is a mobile application, available to run on both Android and iOS, that allows you to perform back office inventory transactions in real-time. You can use the Tagrain Handheld to look up products and perform Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Purchase Order, Stock Transfer and Stock Count inventory back office transactions. You can create an inventory list using the Tagrain Handheld device  and action it on Tagrain Web. 
Home > Setup > Store Management > Handheld

Plugin Dependency

Performing inventory back office related transactions within the Tagrain Handheld has its own dependencies. 
To be able to make use of the Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, and Purchase Order, the Products Purchase Management plugin must be subscribed to and activated.
To be able to make use of the Stock Transfer, the Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking plugin must be subscribed to and activated.
To be able to make use of the Stock Counting feature, the Stock Counting plugin must be activated. The Table below makes it even more clear:


To make use of the Tagrain Handheld device to perform a Goods Receipt back office transaction, you need to ensure the following:
-- The Mobile App for Inventory Management Plugin has been subscribed to and is activated.
-- The Product Purchase Management Plugin has been subscribed to and is activated.
-- The Handheld device has been set up and configured. 

Configure the Handheld

The steps to configure the Handheld are listed below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management. This will open the Store Management Screen. 

Step 2. Click the Handheld button to open the Handheld List View screen. 

Step 3. Click the Add Handheld button to open the Create Handheld screen.

Fill in the mandatory field(s) marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields on the Create Handheld screen are explained below: 

Specify a Name for the Handheld device. This name would appear on the Handheld device when you are installing the Handheld application from the App Store.
Click the Save button. This will create a new Handheld device to be used in your Store(s) and start appearing on the Handheld List View screen. 
The Store ID and Hardware ID is automatically generated when you register your Handheld device. 

Reinitializing the Handheld

Every time you want to replace one Handheld with another, you MUST reset the Handheld using the Scissors Icon. 
When you click the Scissors Icon, you should see a notification prompt asking if you are sure to perform this action. 
Click Yes to confirm and Cancel to return to the Handheld List View screen. This entire process is called Reinitializing the Handheld.

Download your Handheld app

The Tagrain Handheld mobile application is available on both - Android and iOS. 
The Tagrain Handheld app has to be downloaded and installed from the respective App Stores. 
Search for the “Tagrain Handheld” application on the App Store. Tap Install on the App Store to install the application on the Handheld device.

Register your Handheld

The steps to register your Handheld are listed below:

Step 1. Tap on the Tagrain Handheld app icon on the Home Screen to launch the application and specify the Business Name. For illustration, we have specified balboa as the Business Name.  This is the first part of your Tagrain Url, so in this case, we would access Tagrain as balboa.tagrain.net.

Step 2. Specify the User Name and the Password and tap the Login button to log in to the application.
This Business Name, User Name, and Password are the same that you supplied on the tenant registration page.
Step 3. Select the Handheld device. The Handheld that you have configured under Store Management, as explained above, will appear on this screen. 

Step 4. Select the Store. The Store(s) you have configured under Store Management will appear on this screen. 

Tap on the Store to select it and that should take you to the Handheld homepage, also known as the Product Lookup  screen. 

Know your Tagrain Handheld

The “Tagrain Handheld” application has 3 sections:
-- Product Lookup Section
-- Transaction Section
-- List Section

Product Lookup Section

This section of the Handheld is used to look up products. 
You can search for a product using its name, code, or description. 
Alternatively, you can use a Barcode Scanner to add the Products by scanning their barcodes. 

Transaction Section

This section of the Handheld is used to perform back office transactions. 
It will list all the back office tasks you can perform using the Handheld device.

List Section

This section of the Handheld displays a list of all the lists you have created. It also shows what type of list it is.

Suggested Readings

Performing Goods Receipt using Tagrain Handheld
Performing Goods Issue using Tagrain Handheld
Performing Purchase Order using Tagrain Handheld
Performing Stock Transfer using Tagrain Handheld
Performing Stock Count using Tagrain Handheld

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