Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin Deactivation

Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin Deactivation


Plugins are small, but effective software modules that seamlessly integrate with your Tagrain Edition and contain features that extend the functionality offered by your base Tagrain Edition. If for some reason, you no longer require a plugin, Tagrain makes it simple by allowing you to deactivate the plugin. However, upon deactivation:

All the features and functionality added that were added to the application upon plugin activation will be removed. 

The data pertaining to this plugin is retained till the end of your current billing cycle. At the start of the next billing cycle, this data is purged from the application, the only exception being the payment processor plugins where the plugin data is primarily associated with the reference numbers and auth numbers for the credit card transactions done.
Before you proceed to deactivate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin, you need to first make sure that the Scan and Order Plugin has been deactivated. If you still attempt to deactivate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin, the application will generate an alert notification popup asking you to disable the Scan and Order plugin.

There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin AND not updating your store / POS count. 
Since the plugin Hospitality and Fine Dining is already included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise, it will not ask you to go through the regular deactivation process like in the case of other plugin subscriptions. 

Steps To Deactivate The Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin

You can deactivate / unsubscribe the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin from the Purchase Subscription screen. You can approach this screen either from the Plugins screen or from the Manage Accounts section.  

The process of deactivating a plugin remains the same for all the plugins except the following plugins

-- Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin
-- Elavon Payment Processor Plugin
-- Moneris Payment Processor Plugin
-- Multiple Units of Measure Plugin
-- Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin

From the Plugins Screen  

Navigate to Home > plugins to open the plugins Grid View Screen. This screen is divided into the following five sections – 

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays all the Plugins, irrespective of the fact whether they are active or not.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that the user has already subscribed to and are active.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that the user is yet to subscribe to and are not active.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that when subscribed may prove useful to the user in upscaling his business.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays all the third-party Plugins that can be seamlessly integrated with Tagrain.

Click the Deactivate button on the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin tile to deactivate the plugin.
Since the plugin Hospitality and Fine Dining is already included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise, it will not ask you to go through the regular deactivation process like in the case of other plugin subscriptions. 
To keep things simple and easy to understand, we are deactivating only the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin at this time. 
The Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin can also be activated using the More Details button on the tile and following the review and check out process.
When you click the More Details button, you will see a popup screen that will display the following tabs:

Left Pane More Details Popup Screen

The left pane of the popup screen has the following sections:

This tab contains a brief overview of what the plugin does.

This tab contains curated FAQs trending for the plugin.

This tab contains screenshots from the application displaying how the plugin is used

Right Pane More Details Popup Screen

In the right pane, you should see the following:

-- Plugin Name
-- Plugin Price (Monthly and Annual)
-- Deactivate button 

Click the Deactivate button to deactivate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin.  
Since the plugin Hospitality and Fine Dining is already included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise, it will not ask you to go through the regular deactivation process like in the case of other plugin subscriptions. 
There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin AND not updating your store / POS count. 

From the Manage Account Section

Navigate to the admin section in the top right corner of the screen and click Manage Account. On the Subscription screen that opens, click the Upgrade button to reach the Purchase Subscription page. Navigate to the Already Active section on the Purchase Subscription page. You should see your plugin listed there. This page will also show you the plan you are subscribed to along with the number of Stores and POS available. Remove the tick from the activation checkbox to mark the plugin as Inactive. 

Since the plugin Hospitality and Fine Dining is already included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise, it will not ask you to go through the regular deactivation process like in the case of other plugin subscriptions. 
There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin AND not updating your store / POS count. 

Purchase Subscription Screen Explained

The Purchase Subscription Screen is divided into the following four sections – 

Choose your subscription
This tab lists the plugins that are available for you to activate and include in your subscription. In case of plugin deactivation, you will not be required to visit this tab

Already Active
This tab lists all the plugins that are already active in your subscription. You have the option to select these plugins for deactivation. You should see your plugin listed here for deactivation. 

Order Summary
This section lists all the plugins that have been selected for activation or deactivation. 
Number of stores considered for the New Subscription pricing is mentioned below every plugin that has been selected for activation

Cart Details
The selected plugin will get removed from the New Subscription section of the cart details. 

Amount Payable

There is no amount payable in case you are only deactivating a plugin and not updating your Store / POS count.  

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired.
The subscription fee for Tagrain and its plugins is non-refundable. A plugin once purchased and activated, shall not be refunded. You may, however, choose to deactivate the plugin if you no longer want to use it. Upon deactivation, all the features and functionality added to the application upon plugin activation are removed. However, the application retains all the data pertaining to the plugin till the end of your current billing cycle. At the start of the next billing cycle, this data is purged from the application. However, in the case of payment processor plugins (Clover, Elavon, and Moneris) the data pertaining to these plugins is primarily associated with the reference numbers and auth numbers for the credit card transactions done, and so the data is retained and never purged from the application.
The plugin - Multiple Units of Measure, once activated, cannot be deactivated.
The plugin - Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining is included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise. Activating or Deactivating this plugin will have no impact on your subscription because the plugin is free. 
You can always reactivate the plugin without incurring additional charges during its subscription cycle. There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the plugin AND not updating your store / POS count. 
Before you proceed to deactivate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin, you need to first make sure that the Scan and Order Plugin has been deactivated. The application will not allow you to deactivate the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin,  if the Scan and Order plugin is still active.

Suggested Readings

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