How can I access sales history in Tagrain using the Tagrain App for iPad?

How can I access sales history in Tagrain using the Tagrain App for iPad?

What is Sales History?

The Sales History is the screen wherein you can keep a check on your sale transactions. You can even perform point of sale functions, such as sales recall and sales refund. Your store staff can use the Sales History to view sale details, return completed sales, reprint and email receipts or retrieve and continue Suspended Sales.
Your stores Recent Sales History is accessible on both Tagrain App for iOS and your Tagrain web app.
Before we explore the capabilities that the Tagrain App for iOS offers, let us see how a normal sale process using the Tagrain App for iOS looks like.
  1. Open web register
  2. Select items to sell
  3. Select customer
  4. Offer Discounts, if any
  5. Add surcharges, if any
  6. Apply Tax as per the law of the land
  7. Tap the green "Pay" button to open the payments window.
  8. Select the applicable payment type

How to access recent sale history?

To access the Recent Sales History in Tagrain App for iOS, bring up the main menu. On the sidebar, tap on “Recent Sales”. This will bring up the Transaction Selection screen. All of your recent sale transactions made will be listed on the left-hand side. Tap on the sale transaction you intend to view. This will move the transaction on the right-hand side wherein you can see the
  1. customer name
  2. item description
  3. quantity
  4. amount total
  5. discount offered
  6. tax applied
You can choose to Print, Email, Recall, Refund the sale transaction from the Transaction Selection screen. If you are unable to see your sale in the recent sale history, you can use search filters to filter your search on the basis of Transaction ID, Customer ID, Store, POS or Transaction Date.

If your iOS Tablet is offline, Tagrain App will only show you suspended sales in other registers made before you went offline. 

If you've got filters active, the customer and user search will only return sales from within that time period/outlet/status. This doesn't apply to receipts.

Things we can do via Recent Sale

Tagrain iOS App’s Recent Sale screen comes with numerous capabilities. You can perform the following tasks with ease.
  1. View recent transactions
  2. Print a sale transaction
  3. Email the transaction receipt
  4. Recall a sale transaction
  5. Refund a sale transaction
  6. Make payment

View recent transactions

Bring up the Transaction Selection screen on your Android tablet. Using the search filter, perform a transaction search.

The search filters are a great way to further narrow your search for a specific transaction in Recent Sales. You can search on the basis of Transaction ID, Customer ID, Store, POS or Transaction Date.
Once you have located the sale transaction that you intend to view, you need to tap on it. This will move the transaction on the right-hand side wherein you can see the 
  1. customer name
  2. item description
  3. quantity
  4. amount total
  5. discount offered
  6. tax applied 
You can print a sale transaction using the Tagrain App for iOS. Tap on a transaction that you intend to print a sale receipt for. This will move the transaction on the right-hand side wherein you can tap on the print symbol.
Only administrators and managers will be able to setup Receipt printing via the Tagrain web application.

Email the transaction receipt

You can send the sale receipt to customer’s email inbox, if required.
You will need to type in the customer’s email address in the box provided and tap on the send button, for the sale receipt to be sent to the customer over the email.

Recall a sale transaction

You can recall a sale that has been suspended. You need to pull the suspended transaction that you intend to recall. Tap on the recall sign.
You can only recall a suspended sale and not a cancelled sale. Suspended sale can be recalled from the under the recent sales screen.

Refund a sale transaction

Returns are, by default, turned off for cashiers, but you may be able to process them if the cashier returns function has been enabled by your store manager or administrators.

If you are able to process returns check out some of these important 'need to knows' below.
You can refund a sale using the Tagrain iOS App. You may be required to execute a refund transaction, in a scenario wherein a customer is willing to return a good already purchased earlier. In such cases, the total amount of the good returned is refunded. There are some key points to remember when performing a sale return. 
  1. Return can be performed for some items in the sale transaction. (Partial)
  2. Return can be performed for all the items in the sale transaction (Full)
  3. Return can be performed for a customer who is not carrying the sale receipt. 
  4. Return can be performed for a customer who is carrying the sale receipt.
The refund policy may vary for different stores. It is advisable to check with your store manager before processing any refund.
There is no difference in the steps performed to process a refund for a walk-in customer or a registered customer. However, the mode of refund varies.

Pull up your recent sales menu on the Tagrain iOS App. Perform a transaction search using the Transaction Selection screen. Tap on the sale transaction for which you need to raise a refund. Tap the refund sign. This will load the customer's sale will into the sell screen. Click HERE to know more about how to retrieve recent sales made. 
You may ask the customer if he is a registered Tagrain customer and is carrying his sale receipt.

A cashier would require a manager override to process a refund unless it has been otherwise enabled by the admin.

For unregistered customers refund can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card. For registered customers, additional options like Gift Card, Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are enabled.

All the items from the original sale that is being refunded, will appear at the original sale amounts, including discounts, if any.

Different retail stores have different rules about what items can and cannot be returned so it is useful to check in with your supervisor about this before processing any returns.

The item(s) in this sale should now all be on the sell screen they'll show as negative amounts. If it is a multi-item sale, the customer may only wish to return one of the items. If this is the case swipe left on any products the customer does not want to return.
Once you are happy with how it looks, tap the 'Refund' button.

If the customer has exchanged an item for one with a higher price tag you will need to charge the customer extra. This amount will be listed underneath amount tendered. If they are simply returning an item or have exchanged for one with a lower price then you will see the amount owed to the customer underneath amount tendered.
After you have confirmed this with the customer, choose which payment type you wish to use to finish the return.

Make Payment

Every store has its own set of rules and policies around accepting payments from customers. It is best to clarify your store’s practices with your store manager before accepting any payments. 

The payment options will vary for a Walk-in customer and a Registered Customer. For a walk-in customer, the payment can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card or Gift Card. For registered customers, additional options like Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are enabled.
Let’s have a quick look at what things look like in the payments screen and what's worth knowing:

The screen below shows the payment options that a cashier would see for a customer who is a frequent visitor to the store or has registered himself up with the store at some point of time.

The screen below shows the payment options that a cashier would see for a customer who walks in the store for the first time or has not registered himself with the store.

Amount to pay:

You'll notice in the payments window there is an 'amount to pay' field. Here you can overwrite the sales total, if the customer has tendered less or more. This allows you to accurately calculate change and also enables you to split payments.

Splitting payments usually comes handy when a customer wants to make payment using more than one payment type (e.g., part cash and part credit), or if he wants to split the bill.

Let's take a look at an example of where this would prove useful: 
In this particular example a registered customer Glenn Berray has made purchases worth $1679. He chose to split the payment using different payment methods as under
  1. Cash - $600
  2. Credit Card - $600
  3. Gift Card - $150
  4. Loyalty - $100
  5. Store Credit - $100
  6. On Account - $129

The App will display the amount of change you need to issue a customer, if required. If you are using a cash drawer with your printer (this does not apply to handheld printers), this will cause the cash drawer to open.
Sometimes, you may need to open the cash drawer manually. This may be because you have given the customer incorrect change or forgotten to place cash in the cash drawer.

You need to reach out to your manager or administrator, to open the cash drawer manually.
For more information you may refer to our Cashier’s Guide.

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