How can I subscribe to the Mobile App for Inventory Management plugin?

How can I subscribe to the Mobile App for Inventory Management plugin?

You can subscribe to the Mobile App for Inventory Management plugin from the Purchase Subscription screen. You can approach this screen either for the Plugins screen or from the Manage Account section. 
From Plugins Screen:
If you are coming from the Plugins screen, you need to click on the Activate button on the Mobile App for Inventory Management plugin tile to activate the plugin.
From Manage Account Section:
If you are coming from the Manage Account section, you need to navigate to Choose My Subscription section and put a tick in the activation checkbox to mark the plugin as Active.
In either case, the application will let you review your order summary before you click the Confirm & Pay button in the Cart Detail section to process payment. Once you have subscribed to the Mobile App for Inventory Management, you need to install the Tagrain Handheld App on your Handheld device. 
The Tagrain Handheld mobile application is available on both - Android and iOS and can be downloaded from the respective App stores.