Import and Export Gift Card Management Information in Tagrain

Import and Export Gift Card Management Information in Tagrain


To know the total number of Gift Cards that have been issued in Tagrain, you can use the excel based export template.
This allows you to:
  1. View the existing Gift Cards, 
  2. Check the Customer to whom the Gift Card was sold 
  3. Check Store that issued the Gift Card, 
  4. Check the available currency on a Gift Card
  5. Check date until when the Gift Card would be valid
  6. Check the date of issue of the Gift Card 
  7. Recharge a Gift Card.

Steps to Import Gift Card Management Data

The steps to import Gift Card Management Data using the excel template are listed below:

  1. Click on the “Export” symbol on the Gift Card Management Master Screen. This will download the entire Gift Card Management Master Data into an Excel sheet. Use this sheet to (i) Edit the existing records and/or (ii) Add new ones.

  1. The template has tooltips to assist you in filling up the sheet.

The table below shows the Gift Card.xls file headers that are available to manage the Customer data.

Gift Card ID
This field is used to specify the Gift Card ID Code.

Customer ID
This field is used to specify the ID of the Customer to whom the Gift Card is sold.

Issue Store ID
This field is used to specify the ID of the Store that issued the Gift Card.

Balance Amount
This field is used to specify the balance amount of currency available on the Gift Card.

Valid Date
This field is used to specify the date the Gift Card was issued on. The format of the date should always be in MM/DD/YYYY. This is important because the upload template only understands the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Issue Date
This field is used to specify the date when the Gift Card is valid. The format of the date should always be in MM/DD/YYYY. This is important because the upload template only understands the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Serial Number
This field is used to specify the Serial Number of the Gift Card.

  1. Once the upload template is properly filled, click the import button on the Gift Card Management Master Screen. Navigate to the location where your Gift Card.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK. The application will indicate when the data upload starts in the notification center. Once the data is uploaded, the application will again notify for the successful data import.

In case there is an error in the upload process (mainly due to error in the excel sheet), the application will notify the error message in the notification center.

You can click on the error message in the Notification Center, to download the “uploaded file” and rectify the error.

Steps to Export Gift Card Management Data

The steps to export Gift Card Management Data using the excel template are listed below:

  1. Click on the “Export” symbol on the Gift Card Management Master Screen. This will download the entire Gift Card Management Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can further be utilized for further analysis purposes.

Suggested Reading

How to sell Gift Cards?
How to recharge a Gift Card?
How to redeem a Gift Card?

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