Import and Export Gift Card Products in Tagrain

Import and Export Gift Card Products in Tagrain


Gift Cards products are vouchers that can be exchanged for a specified cash value of goods or services from a particular business. The holder of the card is entitled to receive goods or services, equivalent to the currency value specified on the card, from the issuer, unless specified otherwise. Tagrain Gift Cards can also be used as store credit.
There are a few important points that you need to keep in mind regarding Gift Cards.
  1. All Gift Cards are associated with a Product Group for their easy grouping and management.
  1. You can define more than one Gift Card. For example, you can define three types of Gift Cards: Silver Gift Cards, Gold Gift Cards, Platinum Gift Cards, etc.
  1. A Gift Card can be sold on a discount. However, if sold on a discount its value remains the same. For example, A Gold Gift Card of base price 100 will retain its value of 100 even if it is sold on a discount for 80.
  1. Gift Cards can be sold to both, a registered customer as well as a cash customer.
  1. Anyone having the Gift Card can redeem or recharge a Gift Card.
  1. All Gift Cards are sold tax free.
In this article we are going to use the data in the template as a reference to import Gift card products. We will consider an existing Gift Card product. 

  1. Engagement Gift Card
  2. Anniversary Gift Card

Steps to Import Gift Cards in Tagrain

The Excel template downloaded from the Product List view is common for all types of products.
To create Gift Card Products, mark the main product (the parent product) by specifying its Product Type = 7 in the template.

Once the upload template is properly filled, click the import button on the Product Master Screen. Navigate to the location where your Product.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK. 

The application will indicate when the data upload starts in the notification centre. Once the data is uploaded, the application will again notify for the successful data import.

In case the import is not successful, the application will again notify for the unsuccessful import.

The notification centre will mention that there has been an error in the upload.

Click on the notification error to download the uploaded file. The downloaded file will clearly specify the error(s) at the end of every row in the excel sheet.

To see the imported Gift Card, you will have to navigate to: Home > Gift Cards > Gift Card

Steps to Export Gift Card Products in Tagrain

The steps to export Product Data using the excel template are listed below:

Click on the “Export” symbol on the Product Master Screen. It will give you the option to include Stock Information as part of the download.

This will download the entire Product Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can be utilized for further analysis.

Suggested Reading

Product in Tagrain
How to create a Variant item?
Import and Export Products in Tagrain
Import and Export Standard Products in Tagrain
Import and Export Serial Products in Tagrain
Import and Export Batch Controlled Products in Tagrain
Import and Export Variant Products in Tagrain
Import and Export Composite Products in Tagrain

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