Importing and Exporting Composite Products in Tagrain

Importing and Exporting Composite Products in Tagrain

Variant and Composite products  can be created by activating the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin.


Composite Products are created by combining two or more products and are sold as one single unit. It allows you to package different products together and create a pack or product bundle. Composite products are also useful for creating packs made up of the same product, such as a Box of 12 chocolates. There are a few important points that you need to keep in mind regarding Composite Products.

These products are not stocked
The inventory of the products contained in them (constituent products) are reduced at the point of sale.
Only Standard Products can be selected to the constituents of the Composite Product
In this section we are going to use the demo data in the template as a reference to import a Composite Product. We have combined two (2) products - Leopard Print Wrap Dress and Double-Breasted Trench Coat to create a single pack or bundle, “Evening Dress Ensemble”.

Steps to Import Composite Products in Tagrain

The Excel template downloaded from the Product List view is common for all types of products. To create Composite Products, mark the product type by specifying its Product Type = 4 in the template.

Important considerations while defining composite products

The constituent products are normal standard products.

You will NOT be able to define the Stock Quantity, Reorder level and Minimum Stock quantity because the Stock Quantity of a Composite Product is determined by the stock quantity of its constituent products.

When a standard product is part of a composite product, it is important to mention the code of the Composite Product in the ‘CompositeProductCode’ column.

The Upload Template will create the constituent products if they are not present in the application. 
This also means that if the constituent products already exist, their values like Description, ProductGroup, UPC, TaxCode, Brand, BasePrice, etc. will be updated.
Once the upload template is properly filled, click the import button on the Product Master Screen. Navigate to the location where your Product.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK. 

The application will indicate when the data upload starts in the notification center. Once the data is uploaded, the application will again notify for the successful data import.

In case the import is not successful, the application will again notify for the unsuccessful import.

The notification centre will mention that there has been an error in the upload.

Click on the notification error to download the uploaded file. The downloaded file will clearly specify the error(s) at the end of every row in the excel sheet.

Steps to Export Composite Products in Tagrain

The steps to export Product Data using the excel template are listed below:

Click on the “Export” symbol on the Product Master Screen. It will give you the option to include Stock Information as part of the download.

This will download the entire Product Master Data into an Excel sheet. This downloaded data can be utilized for further analysis.

Suggested Readings

Importing and Exporting Serial Products in Tagrain
Importing and Exporting Batch Controlled Products in Tagrain
Importing and Exporting Variant Products in Tagrain

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