Importing and Exporting Customer Information

Importing and Exporting Customer Information


Tagrain allows you to Import and Export customer information. You can use this feature to add new customers.

Adding a single Customer record in Tagrain is quick and simple. What if you have to add multiple customer records. Adding one record at a time can be cumbersome and time consuming. In such a scenario you can benefit from the Import / Export feature of Tagrain. You can use this feature to add multiple customer records, in one go.

Get the Template

The steps to procure the Import Template are listed below:

Step 1. Click on the Export button on the Customer List View screen.

Step 2. Browse to a location where you want to save the customer.xls file. 

Step 3. Click on the Save As button to save the customer.xls file to your desired location.

You can then use this exported file as your Import Template to upload information. You can:
– Edit the existing records and/or 
– Add new records 

Fill the Template

The steps to fill the customer.xls file are as follows:

Step 1. Navigate to the location where the customer.xls file is saved and Open the file.

Step 2. Fill in the desired fields. 

Step 3. Save the customer.xls file.

Import Customer Data

The steps to import Customer data using the excel template are listed below:

Step 1. Click the Import button on the Customer List View screen

Step 2. Navigate to the location where the customer.xls file is saved.

Step 3. Select the file.

Step 4. Click OK to initiate the Import process.

The application will notify you of:

1. When the Import begins
2. When the Import completes.

The customer.xls file holds the entire Customer Master data which can further be utilized for further analysis purposes.

When the Import completes, you can run into one of the following scenarios:

-- Successful Import
If the Import is successful, you don't have to take any action. Instead you can navigate to Home > Customer > Customer to see the new customer records.

-- Un successful Import
If the Import is un successful, you will have to download the uploaded file, rectify the error, and then re import the file.

The template has tooltips to assist you in filling up the sheet

Information contained in the Excel File

The table below shows the Customer.xls file headers that are available to manage the Customer data.
Customer Code
This field is used to specify the Customer Code. If this field is left blank, the application will auto-populate the field with the Customer Code pre-defined in the application.

Customer Name
This field is used to specify the Customer Name.

Customer Group
This field is used to specify the Group to which the Customer belongs.

This field is used to specify the Company where the Customer is employed.

This field is used to specify the Customer’s email address for communication and sending marketing and promotional emails if the Customer has opted for the same.

Phone Number
This field is used to specify the Customer’s Phone Number.

Is Loyalty
This field is used to specify if the Customer is enrolled for loyalty program. The available values are: True and False.

Is Active
This field is used to specify if the Customer is an active Customer. The available values are: True and False.

Is Tax Exempt
This field is used to specify if the Customer is exempt from paying Tax. The available values are: True and False.

Tax Number
This field is used to specify the Tax Number.

Credit Limit
This field is used to specify the Credit Limit available for the Customer. This Credit Limit can be used to buy products using the “On Account” payment type. 

Birth Date
This field is used to specify the Birth Date of the Customer. The format of the date should always be in MM/DD/YYYY. This is important because the upload template only understands the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

This field is used to specify the Anniversary Date of the Customer. The format of the date should always be in MM/DD/YYYY. This is important because the upload template only understands the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Is Marketing
This field is used to specify if the Customer has opted in to receive Marketing and Promotional emails. The available values are: True and False.

This field is used to specify the Customer’s complete Address.

This field is used to specify the name of the City the Customer resides in.

Zip Code
This field is used to specify the City’s Zip Code.

This field is used to specify the name of the Country the Customer is resident of.

This field is used to specify the name of the State the Customer’s City falls under.

When you are creating a customer record using the excel import feature, and you leave the Customer Code field blank, the application will auto-populate the field with a Customer Code based on the custom code pre-defined in the application under Global Settings. 

Once the upload template is properly filled, click the import button on the Customer Master Screen. Navigate to the location where your Customer.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK.  The application will indicate when the data upload starts in the notification center. Once the data is uploaded, the application will again notify for the successful data import.

In case there is an error in the upload process (mainly due to an error in the excel sheet), the application will notify the error message on the Customer List View screen as well as in the notification center.
You can click on the error message in the Notification Center, to download the “uploaded file” and rectify the error.

Export Customer Data

The steps to export Customers using the excel template are listed below:

Step 1. Click on the Export button on the Customer List View screen.

Step 2. Browse to a location where you want to save the customer.xls file. 

Step 3. Click on the Save As button to save the customer.xls file to your desired location.

This customer.xls file holds the entire Customer Master data which can further be utilized for further analysis purposes.

Enroll for Loyalty Program: Switching this ON will enroll the customer in your Loyalty Program. This is an optional field and will be enabled only if Loyalty is enabled in settings. The Loyalty feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Customer Loyalty Management plugin. 
Credit Limit: Define the available credit limit of a customer up to which they can buy using an “On Account” payment type. The Credit Limit feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Customer and Credit Management plugin. 

Suggested Readings

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