Managing Orders Using Scan and Pay

Managing Orders Using Scan and Pay

In this article we will cover the steps to manage an Order placed using the Scan and Pay feature from a mobile responsive website managed in Tagrain.


A Plugin is a small, but effective software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain to extend the functionality and add features to the existing Tagrain edition. 

Scan and Pay Plugin is a software module that when subscribed to and activated allows customers to use their smartphones to place an order using the Mobile Responsive Website and make payment online for the order placed.

The customer can select and place an order for the products that he wants and make payment online for the order placed. Once ordered, the customer can either go in for a curbside pickup or choose home delivery of the products. See: Scan and Pay Plugin - Features.


To be able to use the Scan and Pay feature, you need to subscribe to and activate the Scan and Pay plugin. 

Note - The number of Stores will decide the amount that you need to pay as the plugin subscription fee. 
You also need to subscribe to and activate the Order and Delivery Management plugin to be able to activate the Scan and Pay plugin.
Each Order placed using the Scan and Pay feature is recorded in Tagrain and would appear either as Delivery Pending or Pickup Pending under Recent Sales. 

For the purpose of this article we have assumed that the customer has placed the following orders - ST001-TX-1 and ST001-TX-2 for Home Delivery and Store Pickup respectively from the Castro Store.  

Once the order is confirmed, you (cashier) will see a pop up for the new order in the notification section on the Web Register. (As shown in the screenshot below)

This new order notification pop up displays the Transaction ID.

Alert - To place an order online using the mobile responsive website and receive new order notifications on the Web Register must be open.  

A corresponding entry for the new order is recorded under Recent Sales and on the Fulfillments screen as a Delivery Pending and Pickup Pending. 

Orders Fulfillment

Scan and Pay Plugin is a software module that when subscribed to and activated allows customers to use their smartphones to place an order using the Mobile Responsive Website and make payment online for the order placed. Once ordered, the customer can either go in for a curbside pickup or choose home delivery of the products.

Irrespective of what he selects, the order has to be fulfilled. 

Home Delivery Fulfillment

The Home Delivery order placed would reflecting at the following places:
  1. Under Recent Sales as Delivery Pending.
  2. Under Fulfillments as Delivery Pending

From Recent Sales

Step 1. Navigate to the Recent Sales screen. Locate the desired order and then click on the […] under the Action column and select the option: Mark as Delivered. This will change the Transaction status from Delivery Pending to Mark as Delivered.

All the Store Orders placed using the mobile responsive website will eventually end up on the Recent Sales screen. The Recent Sales screen by default displays a list of recent sale transactions performed at the POS. 

From the Fulfillment Screen

Step 1. Navigate to: Home > Inventory Transactions > Fulfilments to open the Fulfilments screen. Locate the desired order under the Delivery Pending section and then click on the […] under the Action column to select the option: Mark as Delivered. 

When you select the option “Mark as Delivered” the “Delivery Note” screen will come up. You need to fill in the “Tracking Number” and the “Tracking URL”.

Store Pickup Fulfillment

The Store Pickup order placed would reflecting at the following places:
  1. Under Recent Sales as Delivery Pending.
  2. Under Fulfillments as Delivery Pending

From Recent Sales

Step 1. Navigate to the Recent Sales screen. Locate the desired order and then click on the […] under the Action column and select the option: Mark as Picked. This will change the Transaction status from Pickup Pending to Mark as Picked.

From the Fulfillment Screen

Step 1. Navigate to: Home > Inventory Transactions > Fulfilments to open the Fulfilments screen. Locate the desired order under the Pickup Pending section and then click on the […] under the Action column to select the option: Mark as Picked. 

When you select the option “Mark as Picked” the “Delivery Note” screen will come up. You don’t need to fill in the “Tracking Number” and the “Tracking URL” in this case, however adding a note can be beneficial. 

There are multiple ways to access the Recent Sales screen 

You can Tap on the new order notification pop up and that takes you directly to the Recent Sales screen. This saves you from the hassle of searching through multiple orders under Recent Sales. 

Alternatively you can navigate to: Home > Web Register > POS and click on the Recent Sales tile to bring up the Recent Sales screen. 

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