In this article:
We will cover the steps to manage QR Codes in Scan and Order Plugin.
To be able to use the Scan and Order feature, you need to ensure that the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is activated. This is required so that you are able to define tables for your cafe. If you attempt to activate the Scan and Order Plugin without first activating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin you will get an error message pop up screen (as shown in the screenshot below)

Info: The plugin Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining is included in both - Community and Enterprise editions. This means that you will NOT be required to purchase and subscribe to this plugin.
You can activate the plugin from the Plugins screen. Alternatively, you can activate the plugin when upgrading your existing Tagrain account from the admin section. Since the Plugin is already included in your edition, clicking the activate button will activate the plugin without you requiring to go through the subscription management page / process.
Once you have decided upon the number of tables you wish to deploy in your Cafe or Restaurant, you will then need to decide the number of tables you like to enable for QR Ordering.

Alert: The number of QR Codes that you generate for your table(s) impacts your Scan and Order Plugin licensing.
Scan and Order Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows customers to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code kept at their table(s) to place an order. Scanning the QR code opens a mobile responsive website using which the customer can place an order. See: Features of the Scan and Order Plugin.
Scan and Order allows ordering by scanning a QR code placed on the table where you are sitting in the restaurant or café.
The Scan and Order feature is available only when you have first activated the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin.
If you attempt to activate the Scan and Order Plugin without first activating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin you will get an error message pop up screen (as shown in the screenshot below)

The Scan and Order Plugin is licence based. This means the amount you pay depends on the number of QR Codes that you generate for your tables
Steps to manage QR Codes
Tables are defined in the Store master and the below section covers the steps required to define Tables in Tagrain Hospitality.
Step 1. Navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management to open the Store Master Data Screen wherein all your existing stores are listed. Click the Edit symbol next to your store under which you intend to modify the tables.
Step 2. Expand the Tables section. This section allows you to configure all the table related settings. For the purpose of this article we will only be focusing on the important and pertinent options in the table accordion. For a detailed explanation on the various fields under the Table accordion, please refer to the article: Table Management in Tagrain Hospitality
This field is a text field and lets you specify a name for your table. The name that you specify here appears on the mobile responsive website header.
This field is a toggle switch. Flip ON the Active switch to mark the corresponding table as Active. Orders can only be placed for Tables which are marked as “Active”.

After you have marked the Table as Active, you need to define if the Table will be used as a Dine In Table or a Takeaway Table.
This field is a toggle switch. Flip ON the Takeaway switch to mark the corresponding table as a Takeaway Table. At Least one table should be marked as a Takeaway table wherein all the takeaway orders are routed for easy identification.

The application does NOT allow you to generate a QR Code for a table marked as a Takeaway table. If you attempt to enable QR Ordering for a Takeaway table the application will generate an error message pop up. (As shown in the screenshot below)
QR Ordering
Flip ON this switch to generate a unique QR code containing the below information:
-The Landing Page URL
-The Table information (Number and Location)
-The Store outlet it is mapped to.

QR Ordering can only be enabled for those Dine In Tables which are marked as Active.

The Scan and Order Plugin is licence based. This means the amount you pay depends on the number of QR Codes that you generate for your tables.

You can only generate as many QR Codes for your tables as the number of QR Codes that you have licensed.

When you switch ON the QR Ordering switch, the application checks your licence count for generating the QR codes.
This column contains some important action buttons. These are:
This button allows you to delete a “Table” you no longer require in the configuration. Once deleted this table would not appear in the Table Popup Menu on the POS screen.
This button allows you to download the QR code. Once downloaded you can print and paste this QR Code on the Ordering Card and place it on the corresponding table. This QR code is unique to every table.
Copy to clipboard
This button allows you to copy the URL embedded in the QR code to the clipboard. You can paste this URL copied on the clipboard directly into the address bar of your mobile browser and reach the application’s landing page to place an order.
For a detailed description of the Table accordion please refer to the article: Table Management in Tagrain Hospitality (Artefact)

When you flip the QR Ordering switch ON, the application will check to see if you have adequate licences to enable a Table for QR Ordering.
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