Manufacturer (Brand)

Manufacturer (Brand)

Manufacturer (Brand)

Most products that are popular are associated with a brand. In Tagrain Manufacturer and Brand are used interchangeably. Mentioning a brand in the product enables better reporting and analysis.

Home > Inventory > Manufacturer (Brand)

Create a Manufacturer (Brand)

Go to Home > Inventory > Manufacturer (Brand). This will bring up the “Manufacturer (Brand) List View” screen. All the existing Manufacturers (Brands) are listed here on this screen.

Picture 1

Click on “Add Manufacturer” on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
It will open the “Create Manufacturer” card. 

Picture 2

Fill in the required fields. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the Add Manufacturer Card are explained below:

Provide an appropriate name/description for the Manufacturer (Brand). The Length of description with name is of maximum 100 alphanumeric characters. 

Once you have finished creating the Manufacturer (Brand), you can choose to either add the record by clicking on the save button or choose to cancel by clicking the cancel button.

Edit a Manufacturer (Brand)

Click  the Edit symbol to bring up the “Update Manufacturer (Brand)” page, wherein you can update the Manufacturer (Brand) name. Once you have edited the name, you can either choose to save your changes by clicking the “Save” button or choose to cancel your changes by clicking the “Cancel” button. 

Delete a Manufacturer (Brand)

Click the Delete symbol next to the Manufacturer (Brand) you want to delete. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click “Yes” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to return to the “Manufacturer (Brand) List View” screen.

Import a Manufacturer (Brand)

Tagrain allows you to “Export” a Manufacturer (Brand) record. 

Export a Manufacturer (Brand)

Tagrain allows you to “Export” a Manufacturer (Brand) record. Click the Export symbol to export a Manufacturer (Brand) record. Clicking the “Export” symbol will download the Manufacturer (Brand).xls file to your “Downloads” folder. However, if you want to save the file to a different location on the drive, you may click the “Save As” button and then navigate to your desired location on the drive and click the “Save” button.   

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