Multiple Units Of Measurement Plugin - Deactivation

Multiple Units Of Measurement Plugin - Deactivation


Unit of Measurement is defined as a standard quantity or a standard size that is used for inventory measurement. It’s a physical unit (like kg, dozen, meter etc.) in which retailers measure and manage different inventory items. This means that one product can have multiple units of measure. 

For example: A coke can be managed in different UOM like CAN, BOX (12 cans), CARTON (24 cans) ... Similarly a shirt can be managed in different UOM like EACH, PAIR (2 shirts), BOX (6 Shirts) and so on. Different UOMs can be used for different retail transactions. Each product may have a different stocking unit of measure, different sales ordering unit of measure and a different purchasing unit of measure. 

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired.
Once activated, you cannot deactivate the Multiple Units of Measure plugin because deactivating the plugin would affect the entire master data and all the transactions across the application leading to rounding off discrepancies.

This article with video helps you get acquainted with the steps required to deactivate the Tagrain Multiple Units Of Measurement Plugin.

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