Payment Type

Payment Type

Payment Type

Payment Type(s) are the different ways a customer pays for the purchases made. For example, Cash, Credit Card, etc. All payments are made at the Web Register 

Home > Setup > Payment Type

Create A Payment Type

Navigate to Home > Setup > Payment Type to open the Payment List View Screen. This screen lists all the existing Payment Types

Picture 1

Click the Add Payment Type button on the top right corner of the screen to open the Create Payment Type screen. (as shown in the image below)

Picture 2

Fill in the required information including the mandatory field from the available valid values to create a Payment Type. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the Create Payment Type card are explained below:

Specify a name for the Payment Type. This name that you specify in the Name field is displayed on the Web Register. 

Select a Payment Type from the list of predefined payment methods. Each payment method is treated differently by the application.

Display Order:
Define the sequence in which the payment types will be displayed on the Web Register. For example, if you want the Cash method to be displayed first in the list, you need to mention its display order as 1.

Is Active:
This switch determines if the payment type is active or not. Flip this ON to make the Payment Type appear as one of the payment methods on the Web Register.

Round To:
Define the nearest multiple of the smallest denomination to which the amount total will be rounded off. 

Rounding Method:
This will determine if the total amount would be “rounded up” or “rounded down”.

Click the “Save” button to save and exit the Create Payment Type screen. 

You can unlock additional features in the application by activating plugins. 

On Account: 
This is for credit sales when a customer doesn’t need to pay at the time of transaction, they can pay later. “On Account” method will decrease the amount of credit limit in customer profiles. For example, a customer has $3,000 as a credit limit. If this customer pays “On Account” for a transaction $1,200 bill value, the credit limit balance will be $1,800. Credit limit check is also applicable for “On Account” payment methods. This option is enabled at Enterprise Settings. Once it is enabled, the system will check the credit limit balance of the customer and compare it with the “On Account” amount, if it is over, then prompt an error message. The On Account payment type can only be used for payments in Tagrain when you activate the Customer and Credit Management plugin.

Gift Cards: 
Cashiers can sell Gift Cards at POS by changing the transaction mode to “Gift Card” then selecting the Gift Card defined in the system. Then customers can use the purchased gift card to redeem on the transaction as a payment method. There are few options to manage Gift Cards serial numbers, the system will validate the valid serial number before accepting the Gift Card. The Gift Cards payment type can only be used for payments in Tagrain when you activate the Gift Cards and Credit Memo plugin. 

Store Credit:
In the refund scenario, retailers have the option to pay cash back to customers. But to keep customers, retailers can issue a credit note for customers like a gift card with the value of refund amount, so that customer can come back and buy something else to redeem the gift card. The Store Credit method is used for Refund transactions only and it is linked with a gift certificate with “Store Credit” type. System allows you to create only one gift card with a “store credit” type. The Store Credit payment type can only be used for payments in Tagrain when you activate the Gift Cards and Credit Memo plugin. 

Clover Connect: 
This allows you to take Credit and Debit card payments from your customers. Available only for the USA and Canada, Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands. However, this will require you to activate the Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin.

This allows you to take Credit and Debit card payments from your customers. Available only for the USA and Canada, Elavon Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands. However, this will require you to activate the Elavon Payment Processor Plugin.

This allows you to take Credit and Debit card payments from your customers. Available only for Canada, Moneris Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands. However, this will require you to activate the Moneris Payment Processor Plugin

Delete a Payment Type

Click the Delete symbol to delete a payment type record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion.

You will not be able to delete a Payment Type that has data associated with it. 

Edit a Payment Type

Click the Edit symbol to bring up the Update Payment Type page, wherein you can update the payment type name | display order etc.

Some Important Points To Consider

The below mentioned points must be considered when setting up a Payment Type in Tagrain. 

Cash Payment Type
Cash is the default payment method when a new database is created. And it is set to use the local currency.

Credit Card Payment Type
A valid Credit Card is required for payment processors. The POS system will require a connection to the payment gateway to process the payment. It will utilize a valid credit card number, CVV, expiration date. So, in case the payment processor is not supported in your country, you can enable “Use Test payment process”, so even though there’s no connection to the payment gateway, the system would still ask for the card number, CVV2 and expiration date. Credit card information like Card Number, CVV will be encrypted following the PCI compliment. 

Custom Payment Type
A Custom payment method can be used when you want to implement a credit card method without any credit card information, you can use “Custom” payment type instead of “Credit Card” payment type. You can create unlimited “Custom” payment methods like e-wallet, VISA card, AMEX card, currency, voucher… to suit your business needs

Suggested Readings

Point Of Sale
Gift Cards

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