Performing a sale in Tagrain

Performing a sale in Tagrain


The Tagrain Web POS has been specially designed keeping in view the small retailers who are keen to expand their business and maximise profits with minimum hassle. Once you have followed the steps detailed in this article, you should all be able to sell on your Tagrain Web POS application. 


For ease of understanding, in this article we have broken down the entire sale procedure in the below steps:
  1. Perform a Product Search
  2. Add the Product to the transaction
  3. Perform a Customer Search
  4. Add the Customer to the transaction
  5. Apply Discount (if any)
  6. Levy Surcharge (if any)
  7. Add notes to the transaction
  8. Take payment
For the purpose of this article, we have assumed that you have logged in to your Tagrain Web POS application, opened your register and are ready to perform a sale. 

Perform a Product Search

The first step is to perform a product search on the transaction screen. There are 3 possible ways to perform a product search in Tagrain. 
By using the product search bar
By selecting the product, itself via the product group tile
By using a barcode scanner to scan in items.

When you search for a product like ‘jeans’, the search bar will list all products containing the word ‘jeans’.  Also listed with the products are the variants and their available quantity in the store.

Add the product to the transaction

The second step is to add the product you searched in Step 1 to the transaction. Simply click on the product(s) to add them to your transaction. If a product has variants, select the desired variant to get the right product in the transaction list.

There are many options available once a product has been added to the transaction list. Simply click on the item in the transaction list to increase its quantity, extend a percentage or an amount discount and capture instructions as notes. You can achieve all this by clicking the appropriate tile of Discount, Surcharge or Notes respectively.

In case you have added a product in error or if your customer decides to drop it off his purchase list, you can remove the product from the transaction list, by clicking the trash icon 

You can sell a product in multiple UoM if the Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin has been  Purchased and subscribed. For example: You can sell a shirt in different Units of Measure like a BOX (6 Shirts), Pair (2 Shirts) and so on. The Multiple Units of Measurement setting has to be enabled under the "Advanced Settings" upon Plugin activation to achieve this. 

Perform a Customer Search

The third step is to perform a customer search. If you'd like to record the sale you've made against a customer's name, you must add that customer to the sale. However, there are 2 possibilities here. Customer’s name might already exist in the database, as he might have registered himself with Tagrain or he may be a customer who has just walked in for the first time in your store

If he is an existing customer, you can look him up by entering his details in the customer search bar. You may use one of the below search filters to perform a customer search:
  1. Customer Code
  2. Customer Name
  3. Email Address
  4. Phone Number
If he is a new customer, you can add him to the database. 

Add the customer to the sale transaction

The fourth step is to add the customer you searched in Step 3 above. Simply click on the customer to add him/her to your transaction. You'll see the name appear above the line of products on the transaction screen. 

Apply Discount

The fifth step is to extend a discount to your customer. You can apply a discount on a product to sell, either at the line level or at the transaction level. You can apply a discount either as an amount or a percentage. This is an optional step. 

Line level discounts are useful in scenarios wherein you want to discount certain products of the sale without affecting the other products. You would use discounts like this if you were running promotions or sales on certain products only.
Transaction level discounts are useful in scenarios wherein you are running a storewide sale campaign.

After all the items have been added to the transaction list with appropriate discounts, surcharges, and notes, click on Pay to proceed to the Payment screen.

Levy Surcharge

The next step is to levy a surcharge on the transaction. There are 2 surcharges that come along with the demo data. They are Gift Wrap and Shipping. Additional surcharges can also be defined.  This is an optional step.

Add Notes to the transaction

The next step is to leave a note against a product to sell (line level) or on the transaction as a whole (transaction level).

Line Level Note

This comes handy when you must customize a sale at the line level. For example, if a customer buys some trousers, shirts and shoes and wants the trousers to be altered. To achieve this, you can leave a note at the line level.

Transaction Level Note 

This comes handy when you must customize a sale at the transaction level. For example, if a customer buys some trousers, shirts and shoes and wants all the products to be gift wrapped. To achieve this, you can leave a note at the transaction level.

Take Payment

The final step is to take payment for the sale made. You need to tap the green "Pay" button on the transaction screen to bring up the payments window.

If the tendered amount is more than the total price, the application will display the balance to be paid back to the customer. This change amount will also be printed on the transaction receipt. The transaction will automatically print on the printer attached to the Web Register .

The payment options will vary for a Walk-in-Customer and a Registered Customer. For walk-in customers the payment can be processed either in Cash or Credit Card or Gift Card. For registered customers, additional options like Loyalty, Store Credit and On-Account are enabled.
Every store has its own set of rules and policies around accepting payments from customers. It is best to clarify your store’s practices with your store manager before accepting any payments.

To start a new transaction, simply click on "ADD NEW SALE" and you will be taken back to the Enter New Sale screen to start a new transaction.

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