Performing Goods Receipt using Tagrain Handheld

Performing Goods Receipt using Tagrain Handheld

In this article:

We will cover the steps to perform a Goods Receipt back office transaction using the Mobile App for Inventory Management Plugin.

The images used in this article have been created on a device running Android, the application is also available on iPhone.


Mobile App for Inventory Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to extend the functionality of your existing Tagrain edition. It allows you to manage back-office transactions related to inventory management using the Tagrain Handheld mobile application.  

This mobile application is available to run on both - Android and iOS and allows you to look up products and create lists of products/quantities to perform inventory back office related transactions. The list you create using a Tagrain Handheld device can be actioned on Tagrain Web. 

Using the Handheld device, you can create product lists to perform any of the following tasks:
- Goods Receipt
- Goods Issue
- Purchase Order
- Stock Transfer
- Stock Count

Plugin Dependency

Performing inventory back office related transactions within the Tagrain Handheld has its own dependencies. For Example 
To be able to make use of the Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, and Purchase Order features the Product Purchase Management plugin must be activated.
To be able to make use of the Stock Transfer feature the Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking plugin must be activated.
To be able to make use of the Stock Counting feature the Stock Counting plugin must be activated.


To make use of the Tagrain Handheld device to perform a Goods Receipt back office transaction, you need to ensure the following:

The Mobile App for Inventory Management Plugin has been subscribed to and is activated.

The Product Purchase Management Plugin has been subscribed to and is activated.

The Handheld device has been set up and configured. 

For illustration purposes we will consider the following product for a Goods Receipt back office transaction:

Product Name - Mountain Bike
Product Code - CL-001
Product Description - Aggressor Mountain Bike
Product Type - Standard

You can use the Tagrain Handheld to lookup the Mountain Bike product, you should see something like the screenshot below:

In the screenshot above, we can see that the total Available Quantity of the Aggressor Mountain Bike product is 25. 

Steps to perform Goods Receipt using Handheld

The steps to perform Goods Receipt using the Tagrain Handheld are explained below:

Step 1. Open the Tagrain Handheld application. Tap on the Transaction Button in the Footer section. This should open the Transaction Screen, as shown in the screenshot below. 

Step 2. Tap the Goods Receipt option to open the Add Products to List screen. Tap the Pencil symbol on the My List tab to edit the name. For Example, we have renamed My List to GR: Mountain Bike

Step 3. Add the intended products to the list created for easy recognition. Make use of the Product Lookup field to search for your product - CL-001.  

You can search the product using its code, name or description. 

By default, the Quantity field displays 1 as the value.

Enter the Quantity Received on the Product Confirmation screen and tap the Add button

Step 4. The Quantity Received reflects on the Add Products to List screen under the Product section. 

We have specified 25 as the Quantity Received. 

Tap the Save button located at the top right corner of the screen to save the changes made to the list - GR: Mountain Bike created.

Let’s say the Quantity Received has to be revised. There are 2 ways you can update the Quantity.

You can tap on the + or the - sign to increase or decrease the quantity. 

Alternatively, you can tap the product list row to reopen the Product Confirmation screen.

The Add button would turn into an Update button. 

You can specify the new quantity and click the Update button on the Product Confirmation screen to reflect the changes on the Add Products to List screen.

Step 5. Tap on the List Button in the Footer section. This should open the List Screen. 

You should see your GR: Mountain Bike List on the List Screen.

Step 6. Open Tagrain Web. Navigate to Home >  Inventory Transactions > Goods Receipt to open the Goods Receipt List View Screen. 

Step 7. Click the Create Goods Receipt button to open the Create Goods Receipt Screen. 

Step 8. Click the Import From List button to open the Create Goods Receipt Screen. Select the GR: Mountain Bike List on the Import List Screen and click OK. 

Step 9. Select the CL-001 Product List on the Product List Screen and click OK to return to t  Create Goods Receipt Screen. 

Step 10. The Aggressor Mountain Bike product that we received using the Tagrain Handheld is displayed in the Product column on the Create Goods Receipt Screen. The Quantity field is pre-populated with the quantity (25) we received using the Tagrain Handheld. 

Step 11. Click the Save button. This will open the Goods Receipt Document. You can choose to print this document using the Print button.

Step 12. A new Good Receipt Record appears on the Goods Receipt List View Screen. 


In the article above, we explained how to use the Tagrain Handheld device to perform a Goods Receipt back office transaction. 

We already had 25 quantities of the Aggressor Mountain Bike product, and we received 25 quantities more, so that makes it 50 quantities. 

Now, if you open the Tagrain Handled device and look for the Aggressor Mountain Bike product, you should see 50 quantities against the Aggressor Mountain Bike product. 


Suggested Readings

Performing Goods Issue using Tagrain Handheld

Performing Purchase Order using Tagrain Handheld

Performing Stock Transfer using Tagrain Handheld

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