


Plugins are small, but effective software modules that seamlessly integrate with Tagrain and contain feature extending functionalities.
The basic premise of a plugin is to let you subscribe to only those features that are required by the business.

Home > Plugins

Plugins help you to improve your ROI without compromising on application features that are a must for your business.

You can subscribe to and activate plugins depending upon the needs of your business. Plugins allow you to increase your application landscape based on the demands and growth of your business. The application grows with your business.

Plugins are only available in the Enterprise edition. This means that only Enterprise users can add plugins to incrementally increase the application features.  

A COMMUNITY Edition user can also subscribe to a Plugin. Subscribing to one or many plugins will automatically upgrade his Tagrain Edition from COMMUNITY to ENTERPRISE. 

Community Edition is free for life; however, the Enterprise Edition is a paid subscription. The subscription amount depends on 3 things: 

-- The number of POS terminals
-- The number of Plugins
-- The number of licenses

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your Plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licenses that you have acquired. 

The plugin pricing is independent of Stores.

The plugin - Hospitality for Quicke Serve and Fine Dining is included in both the editions - COMMUNITY and ENTERPRISE. You just need to activate the plugin from the Purchase Subscription page. 

The plugin - Multiple Units of Measure, once activated, cannot be deactivated.

The plugin - Scan and Order is license based. This means the amount you pay depends on the number of QR Codes that you generate for your tables. 

You can only generate as many QR Codes for your tables as the number of QR Codes that you have licensed.

Plugins are only available in the Enterprise edition. This means that a retailer can add plugins to incrementally increase the application features. 

Plugins can also be subscribed by the Community edition users. However, subscribing to one or many plugins will upgrade his Community Edition to Enterprise Edition, which is a paid subscription. 

In the Enterprise Edition you pay for the number of POS terminals + the number of plugins. However, Stores are offered free. 

Please note that the plugin pricing is based on the number of stores that you have in your setup. Let us try to understand this with a simple example. 

Let's say you start on 1st Apr ‘23) with 2 STORES, 2 POS (each @ 348 / POS Billed Annually) and 3 Plugins (each plugin @ 35.88, 71.88 and 71.88 / Store Billed Annually). Your subscription amount will be:

2 STORES @ 0 = 0 (because the stores are free)
2 POS 
2 X 348 = 696

Multiple Units of Measure
2 X 35.88 = 71.76

Serial and Batch Product Management
2 X 71.88 = 143.76

Variant and Composite Product Management
2 X 71.88 = 143.76

Total: 696 + 359.28 = 1055.28

On 1st Apr ‘24 you Upgrade and increase the STORE count to 3. With each increase in STORE you get an incremental increase in POS. With 3 STORES, you get 3 POS, with 4 STORES, you get 4 POS, and so on. 

Your subscription amount will be:

3 STORES @ 0 = 0 (because the stores are free)
3 POS 
3 X 348 = 1044

Multiple Units of Measure
3 X 35.88 = 107.64

Serial and Batch Product Management
3 X 71.88 = 215.64

Variant and Composite Product Management
3 X 71.88 = 215.64

Total: 1044 + 107.64 + 215.64 + 215.64 = 1582.92

The amounts and currency mentioned here are for representational purposes only.

In the above example we upgraded the Store at year end, so the calculation was pretty straight forward. However, if an upgrade is made during the year, the application will prorate the “amount payable” from the day the upgrade was made and the and the next billing date. See: How do Plugins affect my subscription amount?

Plugins are represented as small tiles and can be accessed from the plugins page (Home → Plugins) OR from the purchase subscription page (Admin Section → Manage Account → Upgrade).

Every such tile explains the plugin in great detail for you to better understand the features offered by the plugin.

Plugin Tile

Every plugin tile gives you the following information:

Bullet Point Summary

An overview of the plugin in 3-4 bulleted points

Activate / Deactivate Button

If you are accessing the plugin from the Plugins page, clicking this button will either activate or deactivate (an already activated plugin).

If you are in the Choose Your Subscription tab of the purchase subscription page, a plugin can be selected for activation by selecting the check box. Similarly, an already activated plugin can be selected for deactivation by unselecting its checkbox in the Already Active tab


Depending on your subscription plan - Annual or Monthly, the tile shows the price of the plugin. The tile shows both the prices if you are either in the Community edition OR are evaluating the application in the trial period. Please note that the number of stores in your environment will determine the overall pricing of the plugin.

More Details section

Clicking More Details on the tile opens a popup that explains the plugin in more detail. In addition to the description of the features that the plugin offers, you can also go through the plugin specific FAQs and the screenshots and videos of how the application will look when the plugin is activated.

In addition to displaying the price of the plugin, you also have the option to select the plugin for activation or deactivation from this popup screen.

Available Plugins

At the time of writing this article, Tagrain was offering the following Plugins:

-- Customer and Credit Management
-- Variant and Composite Product Management
-- Serial and Batch Product Management
-- Sales Target Management
-- Gift Cards & Credit Memos
-- Tagrain Shopify Integration
-- Tagrain Xero IntegrationTagrain QuickBooks Integration
-- Multiple Units of Measurement
-- Customer Orders and Delivery Management
-- Product Purchase Management
-- Hospitality For Quick Serve and Fine Dining
-- Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking
-- Offers, Discount, and Pricing Management
-- Customer Facing Display
-- Scan and Order
-- Clover Connect Payment Processor
-- Stock Counting
-- Tagrain Pointy Integration
-- Elavon Payment Processor 
-- Moneris Payment Processor 

Customer and Credit Management Plugin

This plugin allows you to manage your customers' credit limits as well as establish new payment types such as On-Account and Store Credits. Credit Limit is the total amount of money that's available for a customer to borrow from the retail store to fulfill his purchases. This limit is defined by the retail store after considering the customer’s purchase and credit history. 

For example, you define $3,000 as your customer’s credit limit. This means that this customer can now pay up to $3,000 using the On-Account payment type. Now, let’s say he pays “On Account” for a transaction $1,200 bill value, the credit limit balance will reduce to $1,800. 

For more details on Customer and Credit Management Plugin, refer to the Customer and Credit Management Plugin Features. 

Variant and Composite Product Management Plugin

This plugin allows you to add Variant Products and Composite Products to your product portfolio, in addition to Standard Products. 

Variant Products are those products that have a parent product and have an attribute, or a set of attributes bound to them. Some examples of attributes would be color, size, style, weave, etc. Polo T Shirt is a good example of a Variant Product.  This product can have 2 attributes – Size and Color. These 2 attributes have their values. Possible values of Size attribute could be Small, Medium, Large. Similarly, the Color attribute could be Red, Blue, Green, etc. A combination of size and color will determine the different variants of the Polo T Shirt. 

Composite Products are those products that are created by combining two or more products to form a bundle and then are sold on the Web Register as one single unit. For example, an evening dress composite could have an evening gown + a nice watch + a coat. 

For more details on Variant and Composite Product Management Plugin, refer to the Variant and Composite Product Management Plugin Features.

Serial and Batch Product Management Plugin

This plugin allows you to add Serial Products and Batch Products to your product portfolio, in addition to Standard Products. 

Serial controlled products are those products that have a unique serial number attached to them. Whenever these products are received in the store, it is mandatory to allocate serial numbers to all the pieces that are being received. A good example for a Serial product would be electronic items. For example: a mobile phone, or a television. 

Batch controlled products are those products that have a shelf life. These products are dealt with in batches and every batch may have one or more than one quantity in it. A good example for a Batch-controlled product would be dairy items. For example: milk, butter, eggs etc. See: Batch Products. 

For more details on Serial and Batch Product Management Plugin, refer to the Serial and Batch Product Management Plugin Features. 

At the Web Register, it is mandatory to select a serial number every time a serial-controlled product is sold and a batch number every time a batch-controlled product is sold. 

Sales Target Management Plugin

This plugin allows you to define key performance indicators for your retail business. These help you determine your business health and measure its growth. You can set these performance indicators either at the company level, or at the store level, or for a particular product group, or for that matter, even at the individual level. This way you can also compare the actual performance with the target set.

For more details on Sales Target Management Plugin, refer to the Sales Target Management Plugin Features. 

Gift Cards & Credit Memos Plugin

This plugin allows you to define multiple Gift Cards, track and update Gift Card balances, use Gift Card as a Credit Memo or Payment Type. Each Gift Card that you create in Tagrain may have a different predefined value attached to it which can be used as a tender for payments. You can even track how many Gift Cards have been issued so far along with their type. This not only helps you to retain existing customers but also attract new ones to your business. 

For more details on Gift Card and Credit Memo Plugin, refer to the Gift Card and Credit Memo Plugin Features. 

Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin

This plugin allows you to integrate Shopify with Tagrain thereby allowing you to sell in-store as well as online. There is an exchange of data that happens between Tagrain and Shopify upon successful integration. This data includes information related to your product, inventory, customer, and sales information. All this will help you simplify your daily operations by saving time on manual admin and double entry. 

For more details on Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin, refer to the Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin Features. 

Tagrain Xero Integration Plugin

This plugin allows you to integrate Xero with Tagrain. It lets you post your sales, sale refunds, payments, cash ins, cash outs, floating expenses, and till variance from Tagrain to Xero. This helps you ease your accounting procedures and reduce the need for double-data-entry. 

For more details on Tagrain Xero Integration Plugin, refer to the Tagrain Xero Integration Plugin Features. 

Tagrain QuickBooks Integration

This plugin allows you to integrate QuickBooks Online with Tagrain. It not only allows you to make and accept business payments, manage bills, and their payroll functions  but also lets you post your sales, sale refunds, payments, cash ins, cash outs, floating expenses, and till variance from Tagrain to QuickBooks. 

For more details on Tagrain QuickBooks Integration Plugin, refer to the Tagrain QuickBooks Integration Plugin Features. 

Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin

This plugin not only allows you to define and manage Multiple Units of Measure but also sell in Multiple Units of Measure.

Units of Measure is defined as a standard quantity or a standard size that is used for inventory measurement. It’s a physical unit (like kg, dozen, meter etc.) in which you can measure and manage your inventory items. This would also mean that you can have a single product with multiple units of measure. For example, a shirt can be sold as a single piece, or in pairs (2 shirts) or in a box (6 shirts), or in a pack (12 shirts) etc. 

For more details on Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin, refer to the Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin Features. 

Customer Orders and Delivery Management Plugin

This plugin allows you to uniquely identify your customer orders and capture instructions specific to that order. It allows you to offer in store pickup to your customers. This means that your customer can walk into one of your stores to collect his order. It even facilitates Home Delivery of orders. This means that customer orders are delivered to them at their doorstep. 
For more details on Customer Orders and Delivery Management Plugin, refer to the Customer Orders and Delivery Management Plugin Features. 

Product Purchase Management Plugin

This plugin is centered around purchasing and supply chain. It lets you raise Purchase Orders on vendors, receive goods against the Purchase Orders and even allow you to return goods back to the vendors, if required. It will allow you to record all types of goods receipts, especially the goods received from vendors (suppliers).  

For more details on Product Purchase Management Plugin, refer to the Product Purchase Management Plugin Features. 

Hospitality For Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin

This plugin allows you to sell food items like Burgers, Wraps, Sandwiches, Muffins, Pastries and beverages like coffee, tea and bottled drinks. It is targeted towards small cafes and restaurants who are either selling food items or beverages or both. These Cafes and restaurants either sell prepackaged (already prepared food items) or food items that can be further modified on customer’s request. For example, the customer can ask for an extra slice of cheese in their burger OR can ask for an extra shot in the coffee OR can ask to remove ice cubes from the cold drink. 

If you are running a cafe or a restaurant with a small seating capacity having a few tables, this is the plugin you MUST go in for. This plugin also lets you create Modifiers, Menu Items, and Combo Meals For more details on Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin, refer to the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin Features. 

Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking Plugin

This plugin allows you to transfer inventory from one store to another. It lets you effectively manage and track your stock transfers across multiple stores (outlets). This Plugin adds an additional column to your Inventory Status Report and Inventory Movement Reports which helps you track the in-transit quantity of your inventory being moved. 

For more details on Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking Plugin, refer to the Stock Transfers and Inventory Tracking Plugin Features. 

Offers, Discount, and Pricing Management Plugin

This Plugin allows you to define Promotions. Promotions are an easy-to-use discounting tool for running in-store discounts and sales. You can set up offers on all or selected products. These offers that you configure within the application can be set to automatically apply when a certain condition is met. This plugin allows you to create the following promotions:

Buy X | Get Y
In this promotion, upon purchasing some X products your customer gets some Y products either free or at a discounted price. Some examples of this promotion type are:
-- Buy Jeans, Get Tees @ 30% off
-- Buy Jeans, Get Polo T Shirts @ 20% off

Buy X | For a Fixed Price
In this promotion, your customer can purchase some X products at a fixed price. Some examples of this promotion type are:
-- Buy any Women’s Bag for $199
-- Buy any Jeans for $99

Buy X | Save an Amount
In this promotion, upon purchasing some X products your customer can save an amount or a percentage on the products purchased. Some examples of this promotion type are:
-- Buy 3 Women’s Dress, Save 30%
-- Buy 2 Men’s Coat, Save 20%

Spend X | Save an Amount
In this promotion, your customer can save an amount or a percentage on the bill total by spending a specified amount. Some examples of this promotion type are:
-- Spend $1000, Save 10%
-- Spend $2000, Save 20%

You can use the Spend X | Save an Amount promotion to offer Senior Citizen (SC) Discounts and Person With Disability (PWD) Discounts to address the BIR requirements in The Philippines.

For more details on Offers, Discount, and Pricing Management Plugin, refer to the Offers, Discount, and Pricing Management Plugin Features 

Customer Facing Display Plugin

This Plugin allows you to setup and configure Customer Facing Display. With the option of the Customer Facing Display, retailers can be more transparent when it comes to processing a Point of Sale (POS) transaction. With dual display setup, the customer can see the line items being scanned, discount offered, promotion applied, and tax imposed on it, all while standing at the POS. He is also able to track the total value of the products being scanned and any other information being captured at the time of the sale. This way, the customer can view the POS transaction in a fashion like what the cashier sees on the POS screen.

This also helps to minimize the chance of any human error as the customer himself can keep track of his purchases in real time. He can ensure if the products being scanned have the correct prices, and match with the prices as printed on the price tag. He can also check if the discounts or promotions offered in the store are being honored or not. 

Scan and Order

This Plugin allows you to  to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code kept at their table(s) to place an order. Scanning the QR code opens a mobile responsive landing page using which the customer can place a table order. See: Features of the Scan and Order Plugin.

Clover Connect Payment Processor

Available only for the USA and Canada, Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands. The Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription. See: Features of the Clover Connect Payment Processor Plugin.

Stock Counting

This Plugin allows you to keep a track of your inventory. It helps you reconcile the actual physical stock in hand at the store with the stock recorded in the system.During an inventory count, some or all item(s) in your store is counted and recorded. When the inventory count is submitted,the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and a report is generated for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. The Stock Counting feature ensures that your store's inventory records are updated and you do not end up spending on inventory holding costs. See: Features of the Stock Count Plugin

Tagrain Pointy Integration Plugin

This Plugin allows you to integrate your Tagrain Store with Pointy from Google. Pointy connects with Tagrain, and allows you to upload your products to the Pointy’s Virtual Store just by scanning the product barcode. Once your product is uploaded, the Pointy Page will start displaying your product information allowing your product to appear in the search results when a customer is searching for the product online on Google using relevant keywords.  

Elavon Payment Processor Plugin

Available only for the USA and Canada, Elavon Payment Processor plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands using the Elavon Payment Device. The Elavon Payment Processor  plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription. 

Moneris Payment Processor Plugin

Available only for Canada, Moneris Payment Processor plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands using the Moneris Payment Device. The Moneris Payment Processor plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription.

This Screen Based Guide gives you an overview of the different types of Plugins available in Tagrain. For a detailed explanation on each Plugin you may refer to their corresponding article available on the Help Portal.

Suggested Readings

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