


A Product refers to any item that may be sold in your Retail Store. The product master contains all the configurable details for the product ranging from its type, cost, retail price, barcode,etc.

Home > Inventory > Product


You should have the required permissions.
Before creating a product, the following should be created: -
--Product Group
--Tax Code

It is best to ensure that you have all the information about the product before creating it as some settings cannot be modified after creation

Create a Product

Go to Home > Inventory > Product. This will bring up the “Product List View” screen. All the existing products are  listed here on this screen.

Picture 1

Click on the “Add Product” button on the top right corner.
It will open the “Create Product” card. The Create Product card is split into sections called accordions. 

Some accordions may or may not be visible. The visibility of the accordions depends on the following factors:
--Tagrain edition being used
--Plugin(s) subscribed and activated 
--Product Configuration

When Standard, Serial, Batch or a Modifier Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down, the following accordions appear:
Costing and Pricing
Advance Settings
Product Images

Picture 2

Serial and Batch products  can be created by activating the "Serial and Batch Product Management" plugin. 

When a Composite Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down, the following accordions appear:
Costing and Pricing
Advance Settings
Product Images
Item Details

Picture 3

Variant and Composite products  can be created by activating the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin. 

When a Variant Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down, the following accordions appear:
Costing and Pricing
Advance Settings
Product Images
Product Variants

Picture 4

The "Variant Products" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin. 

When a Menu Item Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down, the following accordions appear:
Costing and Pricing
Advance Settings
Product Images
Modifiers and Ingredients

Picture 5

Modifiers, Menu Items and Combos can be defined by activating the plugin "Hospitality and fine dining". This plugin is included in the Community edition and just needs to be activated.

When a Combo Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down, the following accordions appear:
Costing and Pricing
Advance Settings
Product Images

Picture 6

Modifiers, Menu Items and Combos can be defined by activating the plugin "Hospitality and fine dining". This plugin is included in the Community edition and just needs to be activated.

Fill in the required information including the mandatory fields such as Product Code | Product Name etc. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the create product card are explained below:

Description - 
The Product Name or Description. This is what is printed on the receipts and displayed on the reports - This is a free text box.

Product Code - 
This is a unique identifier for a product. If you wish to enter a custom product code, then select the checkbox, and enter a custom product code. It helps to find the product on the Web Register. If this field is left blank, the application will auto-populate the field with the Product Code pre-defined in the application.

Product Group - 
Product Grouping is used on Web Register to make it easy to find the products as well as in reports to see how similar products are performing - Click on the 3 dots [...] to open a Product Group search or start type in the box and matching groups will be displayed.

UPC Code - 
UPC Code or Barcode of the Product when scanned at the Point of Sale

Product Type - 
This is selectable from the list of Types. The available options are: Standard, Serial, Batch, Composite and Variant. 

Tax Code - 
Link the product to the Tax Code to ensure the correct rate of Tax is applied to the product when it is sold.

Manufacturer (Brand) - 
Additional Product Information useful for locating the product or in reporting to see which Manufacturer (Brand) is selling well.

Product Types available only on Plugin activation

Serial - These types of products are serial controlled. For example, all electronic items are serial controlled. A Serial Number is required when receiving items into stock or when selling a product. - Each Serial Number must be unique for a product. The "Serial Products" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Serial and Batch Product Management" plugin.

Batch - These types of products are batch controlled. For example, all pharmaceutical and food/beverage products are batch tracked.  On receipt of these goods batch information needs to be entered and can include manufacture/expiry dates, price etc. - Unlike Serial Numbers, more than 1 of each product can have the same batch number. The "Batch Products" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Serial and Batch Product Management" plugin.

Composite - Composite products allow you to package different products together and create a pack or product bundle. Composite products are also useful for creating packs made up of the same product, such as a Box of 12 chocolates. When you select the Product Type as “Composite”, an additional section ‘Item Details’ appears at the bottom of the product screen. The "Composite Products" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin. 

Variant - Variant products are products that are characterized by different attributes like color, size, style, flavor, etc. When you select the Product Type as “Variant”, an additional section “Product Variants”  appears at the bottom of the product screen. The "Variant Products" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin.

Gift Card - A Gift Card type product is used for your own brand Gift Cards or Store Credits. The "Gift Card" feature is made available in Tagrain upon activation of the "Gift Cards and Credit Memo" plugin. 

Modifiers - Modifiers are products that can be added to or removed from the products being sold on the POS (Menu Items). Modifiers are products that further accentuate the Menu Item as per the customer’s preferences.

Menu Items - Menu Items are products that are sold on the POS. Menu Items are like composite items except that for a Menu Item (on the POS) it will be possible to ‘see’ the modifiers and ‘modify’ the Menu Item as per customer’s preference.

Combo ProductsMore than one Menu Items can be combined to be sold as a Combo Product. In Hospitality, combo products are the meal deals that you can configure to be sold on the POS. 
A combo product is a combination of different menu items (burgers, chips, drinks, salads, pastries, etc.) that are configured to be sold together. 

Modifiers, Menu Items and Combos can be created by activating the plugin "Hospitality and fine dining".This plugin is included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise. It just needs to be activated.

Costing and Pricing 

In this accordion you can either specify the standard cost and the markup % to calculate the Retail Price OR you can specify the standard cost and the retail price to calculate the markup %. 

Picture 7

The calculated retail price gets defaulted to all the stores and is displayed in the Inventory accordion. Should you want, the retail price for different stores can be edited. 

Picture 8

Advanced Settings

This section shows the advanced settings related to a product, like Long Description | Non-Stock | Allow Fractional Quantity etc. 

Picture 9

Long Description - 
A long description of the product that could contain additional product information that can be included in email receipts etc.

Non-Stock - 
Enabling this option will mean that Inventory is not tracked for this product, you can still sell it as normal at the Point of Sale but the quantity in stock will not be tracked.

Is Product On Hold - 
If the product is on hold it cannot be sold on the Web Register.  

Open Price - 
Normally, all products have a price associated with them. There could however be situations when you would like to capture the sale of a product, but its price is not fixed. Additional charges like alternation, service charges are configured as products that have an open price. 

Refundable - 
Enabled by default, this allows the product to be refunded at point of sale. 

Purchasable - 
Enabled by default, this allows the product to be added to a Purchase Order for purchase from a supplier.  

Multiple Units of Measure - 
When enabled, this allows the sale of a product in multiple UoM. This setting is visible under “Advanced Settings” if the Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin is purchased and subscribed to.


This is one of the most important sections of Product definition. Retail Price calculated in the above Costing and Pricing accordion is defaulted across all the stores. Should you prefer, the retail price for different stores can be edited. 

Picture 10

Retail Price
This is where you get to define store specific pricing for this product. Same product – different selling price for different stores.

Opening Stock Quantity
Opening stock quantity is used when the product is first defined. This is also the field that you will fill up when upgrading to Tagrain for the first time. You can specify the opening quantity of the product by stores. Please note that this is a one time entry and cannot be edited once the product is created. 

Reorder Quantity / Level
Reorder Quantity / Level lets you specify the stock level of the product at which you should replenish the product in a particular store. The Reorder Quantity / Level can be set individually for all the stores.

Maximum Stock Level
Is the optimal stock quantity of the product in a given store. 

Product Images

This section will allow you to attach an image of the product. This image would reflect on the Point Of Sale Grid screen and proves useful when selling the item at the Point of Sale. It ensures that the correct product is selected for billing.

To add an image, you need to click on the "Add Image" button and navigate to the location where the image file resides. Select the image file and click "Open". 

Picture 11

The image size should be less than 180 K 

Once the image is uploaded, it would appear in the "Add Image" box. To delete the image hit the cross symbol. To keep the image, hit the save button.

Picture 12

Item Details

This section would only be visible when a Composite Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down. You can use the search field to find the products and set the quantity of each item included in the set. 

Picture 13

Product Variants

This section would only be visible when a Variant Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down. 

Picture 14

Variant and Composite products  can be created by activating the "Variant and Composite Product Management" plugin. 

Product Variants

In this section you can configure the product with all the needed variants for example a T-shirt may be available is Small, Medium and Large and in 2 colors Black and White. Instead of creating all the items individually, variants allow you to create them all as linked product variants.

Picture 15

The radio switch next to the Variant allows you to disable that option, if for example the T-shirt is not available as medium / Black this can be turned off

Picture 16

Modifiers and Ingredients

This section allows you to attach Modifiers to Menu Items. These Modifiers appear on the POS as a popup when a Menu Item is either selected directly OR is selected as part of a combo meal. A modifier marked as an ingredient signifies that it is crucial and the menu item CANNOT be prepared/served WITHOUT  this modifier. 


This section will only be visible when a Combo Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down. 

Picture 17

Modifiers, Menu Items and Combos can be defined by activating the plugin "Hospitality and fine dining". This plugin is included in the Community edition and just needs to be activated.


This section will only be visible when a Combo Product is selected in the “Product Type” drop-down. 

Picture 18

Edit a Product
Click the Edit symbol to bring up the “Update Product” page, wherein you can update product code | product description | product group | UPC code | product type etc.

Picture 19

Delete a Product

Click the Delete symbol to delete a product record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click “Yes” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to return to the “Product List View” screen.

Duplicate a Product

Click the Copy symbol to copy a product record and use that as a template to create a new customer record. 

Import a Product

Tagrain allows you to “Import”  product information. 
Click on the Import symbol to import a product record. Click on the “Import” symbol and navigate to the location where your Product.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK.  

Export a Product

Tagrain allows you to “Export”  product information.
Click on the Export symbol to export a product record. Clicking the “Export” symbol will download the Product.xls file to your “Downloads” folder. However, if you want to save the file to a different location on the drive, you may click the “Save As” button and then navigate to your desired location on the drive and click the “Save” button. 
Picture 20

When exporting a product, the application will ask you if you would like to include the inventory item as well, this would then include the stock levels for each location in the export.

Suggested Readings

Vendor Groups
How to activate the Serial and Batch Management plugin?
How to activate the Variant and Composite Product Management plugin?

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