Product Tags

Product Tags

Product Tags

Product Tags are used to categorise products across multiple categories

While the Product Groups allow you to properly group your products, the Product Tag functionality allows you to categorise or Tag a product into multiple categories at the same time.

For example, a Polo T shirt can be tagged as Men’s Wear, Spring Summer Collection, Slim Fit, Solids, etc. This ability to tag a product not only allows for effective product management, but also allows you to tag products on which you would like to run a promotion.

Home > Inventory > Product Tags


There are no prerequisites as such to define Products Tags in Tagrain.

View and Manage Product Tags

Navigate to Home > Inventory > Product Tags. This will open the Product Tags List View Screen. All the existing Product Tags are listed on this screen.

Picture 1

Steps to Create Product Tags

There are 2 ways you can create Product Tags in Tagrain.
-- From the Product Tag Screen
-- From the Product Screen

From the Product Tag Screen

You can add a Product Tag from the Product Tag screen. Navigate to Home > Inventory > Product Tags. Click on Add Product Tag to open the Create Product Tag screen. In this screen you can only Add a product tag.

Picture 2

Unlimited number of Tags can be created and attached to a product
The maximum length of a Tag can be 100 characters (including spaces)

From the Product Screen

You can add a product tag by editing an existing product or while creating a new product.

As you start typing in the Product Tags field, the application checks to see if the tag that you are typing in already exists in the Product Tag Master.

In case the tag is present, it will list the tag for you to select. If the tag that you are typing is NOT present, the application will give you an option to attach the tag to the product.

Once you have attached the tag to the product, the application will also add the tag to the Product Tag Master.

Navigate to Home > Inventory > Product. This will open the Product List View screen. All the existing Products are listed on this screen.

Search for a product you want to specify the Tags for. For illustration, we searched for POLO T Shirt

Picture 3

Click on the Edit symbol under the Actions column. This will open the Update Product screen. On this screen you can not only update the Product Description | Product Group | UPC code | Manufacturer but also specify Product Tags in the text field just above the accordions.

We can specify multiple tags for this product. For example, this T Shirt can be categorized as: Men’s Wear, Spring Summer, Slim Fit, Solids. You can add more tags to the product.

Picture 4

When you type in a Tag in the Product Tag Text Field, the application will check to see whether the tag already exists in the Tag master. If it does not exist the application will prompt you to add this new tag.

Tags can be attached to any of the product types. However, in case of Variant Products, the tags can ONLY be attached to the parent product. All the child products will automatically inherit the tags specified at the parent product.

Once the Product Tags have been specified, click the Save button. As stated earlier these Product Tags that you specify here can be viewed and managed from the Product Tags List View Screen.

Picture 5

If you want to View, Edit, or Delete a Product Tag, you need to navigate to Home > Inventory > Product Tags to open the Product Tag Master screen.

The Product Tag master displays the count of the products that have a particular tag attached to them.

The application automatically updates the tag to product mapping IF a product tag is edited in the Product Tag master.

Deleting a tag from the Product Tag Master Screen will also delete it from the products that have this tag attached.

Suggested Readings

How many types of products can be created in Tagrain?

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