


The term “Roles” refers to all those permissions or set of permissions assigned to a user, allowing or dis-allowing the access to certain parts of the application. 
The purpose of the User Management Role is to have granular level control on what the user can do within the application. It helps in administering the application thereby maintaining security.
There are a few roles that come with the application. However, additional roles can also be created to suit business requirements. 
Home > Setup > User Management > Roles

Steps to create a new Security Role

Go to Home > Setup > User Management > Roles. Here, all the existing Roles are listed. 

Click on “Add Security Role”. It will open up the “Create Role” card.

Specify a Role Name. 

Pick the permission or set of permissions that you want to assign to the role.

Click the “Save” button.

Import Roles

User Management Roles cannot be imported. However, you can export them using the Export button. (See: Exporting the User Role) 

Export Roles

User Management Roles can be exported using the Export button. Click on the Export button and navigate to the location from where you intend to export the roles to. Click on the Save button to save the file.  

Edit a Role

Clicking on the symbol brings up the “Update Role” page, wherein you can update the Role created, its permission and access rights. 

Delete a Role

Clicking on the symbol brings up the “confirmation dialog box” asking you if you really want to delete the role selected. Click the “Yes” button to delete the role and the “Cancel” button to retain the role.  

Permission Types and Access Levels

The administrator has the power to, not only assign a Role to a user or a user group, but also to impose restrictions by controlling the access levels. In the image below, Admin, Cashier, Manager are all roles.
For the purpose of illustration, we are picking the “Customer” page. For example, the management decides to employ a new trainee and assigns him the role of a cashier at XYZ store. Now with the new trainee being new to the system, the management does not want to grant him full access to the system. Let us see how we can allow or restrict the access levels and manage permissions in the given scenarios.

Scenario 1:
The admin wants to completely restrict the cashier from accessing the customer screen, he would simply keep the “Allow Access” check box unchecked.

Scenario 2:
The admin wants the cashier to have access to the customer screen, however, wants him to be able to only view the customer information and not make any edits to it, he can keep the “Allow Access” check box checked and along with that select the “View Only” radio button.

Scenario 3:
The admin wants the cashier to have access to the customer screen, however, wants him to be able to only add/update the customer information and not view his information, he can keep the “Allow Access” check box checked and along with that select the “Add/Update” radio button.

Cashier restrictions on the POS
Depending on your business policies and the nature of the products you sell, you may want to include some restrictions at the POS for the cashier. For example, you may not want the cashier to have access to the Dashboards and also not allow the cashier to offer any discounts on the POS. 

This can be achieved by not selecting the Allow Access option for Dashboards. Similarly, by not selecting the option Change Discount/Price on Register, the cashier will not be able to extend any discount or change the price of the product on the POS. 

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