Sales Target

Sales Target


This section allows you to manage the sales targets for the store. 
Defining a target ensures better execution of policies and effective utilisation of resources. Targets can be defined at multiple levels. This screen allows you to define a revenue target at the organisation level and to the cashier level. Multiple targets can be defined and monitored. Access to this function should be strictly limited. 
Home > Setup > Store Management > Sales Target


The store needs to be setup. 
The users need to be setup. 
If a sales target is to be set for a product group, the product group needs to be set up.  

Add Sales Target

Go to Home > Setup > Store Management > Sales Target. This will bring up the “Sales Target List View” screen. All the existing Sales Target will be listed here on this screen.

Click on the “Add Sales Target” button in the top right corner, to create a new Sales Target. It will open the “Create Sales Target” card. 

The "Sales Target" feature is unlocked upon activation of the "Sales Target Management" plugin. 
Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired.
Enter a Sales Target Name. 

Start Date:
Enter in a Start Date for the Sales Target. The date is specified in the format specified under General Settings. 

End Date:
Enter an End Date for the Sales Target. The date is specified in the format specified under General Settings. 

Sales Target Table:
In the table, you can enter in the Sales Target Details. You can enter multiple types of targets. 

Target Type:
Select the Target type from the drop-down. The available options are:  
Select this to define a company-wide sales target.

Select this to define a sales target for a single store.

Select this to define a sales target for a single cashier.

Product Group:
Select this to define a sales target for a product group.
Select the source. The value is set according to the target type. So if the cashier setting is selected as the target type, the source would be the cashier the sales target is to go against.

Target Value: 
Enter the Sales Target Value. 

Click the “Bin” icon to delete the Sales Target record. 

Once you have completed setting up the sales target, you can either select the save icon to save it to the system or cancel it to return to the Sales Target List View screen.

Delete Sales Target

Click on the  symbol to delete a Sales Target record from the master data. You should see a confirmation dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes on the delete confirmation dialog box to delete the sales target record. 

Edit Sales Target

Click on the edit icon. Click on the  symbol next to the Sales Target you want to edit. This will bring up the “Edit Sales Target” page, wherein you can edit a Sales Target.
Once you are done editing the sales target, you can either select the Save icon to save it to the system or cancel it to return to the “Sales Target List” screen.
Sales Targets need to be clear and clearly communicated to the employees. 
When creating sales targets try to make them easy to manage. Sometimes it can be easier to create many individual targets than one sales target that encompasses everyone. 

Suggested Readings

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