Scan and Order

Scan and Order


Scan and Order settings consist of all the settings pertaining to the Scan and Order application aka the landing page. These settings determine the UI (appearance) of the mobile responsive landing page, that would be displayed on the mobile device, when a QR Code is scanned at the table. Scan and Order settings can be managed by any user who has the required set of permissions assigned.

Home > Setup > General Settings > Scan and Order

Understanding Scan and Order Settings

When the Scan and Order plugin is activated, an additional Scan and Order Button appears on the Application Settings page. (As shown in the image below)

Click the Scan and Order button to open the Scan and Order Settings page. These settings control the UI (appearance) of the mobile responsive website.  (As shown in the image below) 

Note - The details filled in the screenshot above are for illustration. 
Scan and Order allows ordering by scanning a QR code placed on the table where you are sitting in the restaurant or café.
The Scan and Order feature is available only when you have first activated the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin.
If you attempt to activate the Scan and Order Plugin without first activating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin you will get an error message pop up screen (as shown in the screenshot below)

Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is included in both - the Community edition and the Enterprise edition. The user just needs to activate the plugin without him requiring to go through the subscription process. 
The Scan and Order Plugin is licence based. This means the amount you pay depends on the number of QR Codes that you generate for your tables.
The various settings on the Scan and Order Settings page are explained below:

Online Store
This field is a toggle switch. Flip this switch ON to enable the corresponding online store to receive orders online.  

Application Title 
This field is a text field. Specify the text you want your customer to see when he hovers over this browser tab. 

Brand Name
This field is a text field. This allows you to specify a name for your Brand. The name that you specify here would appear on the Landing Page.  

About Us
This field is a text field. This allows you to introduce your Brand. The text that you type here would appear in the About section on the Landing Page 
Please refer to the image on the right for sample content. 

Terms & Conditions
This field is a text field and allows you to specify the URL where your company’s terms and conditions are hosted.
Please refer to the image on the right for sample content. 

Privacy Notice
This field is a text field and allows you to detail your privacy policy OR specify the URL where your company’s privacy policy is hosted. 
Please refer to the image on the right for sample content. 

Capture Customer Details
This field is a toggle switch. Flip this switch ON to capture customer’s information like his Name, Email, and Phone. 

You can also control what specific customer information you would like to be displayed on the Customer Registration Pop Up Screen when placing the order. 
For Example, If you want to capture just the name and phone number, you can flip the corresponding switch ON.  

Once you have configured your Scan and Order settings, you must click the Save button to save changes and exit the screen. A sample screenshot of the mobile responsive website is shown below:

Suggested Readings

Manage table orders using the QR Code scan feature
Managing QR Codes in Scan and Order
Subscription Management in Tagrain

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