Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin Features

Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin Features

In this article:

We will explain the features that you enjoy upon activating the Staff Scheduling and Time Management plugin.


The Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to extend the functionality of your existing Tagrain edition by letting you create the roster (shifts) for your staff members. A roster is a list containing the names of staff members with the tasks assigned to them along with the shift start time and shift end time. 
With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can not only schedule shifts, track your staff attendance, but also restrict their login hours beyond shift time from the Staff Roster screen.


You must subscribe to and activate the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin to unlock its features.

Plugin Features

The Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin, when subscribed to, allows you to extend the functionality of your existing Tagrain edition. Some of the prominent features are explained below:

Define Roster for your Staff Members

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can not only schedule shifts for your staff members from the Staff Roster screen. You can navigate to: Home >  Setup > User Management > Staff Roster to access the Staff Roster screen.

Monitor Staff Attendance

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can define the work schedule of your staff members from the Staff Roster screen. This will not only help you monitor the attendance but also keep a track of the working hours of individual staff members.

Monitor Staff Clock In / Clock Out

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can monitor the Clock In and Clock Out time of your staff members using the Time Card Report. You can monitor the working hours of individual staff members.

Monitor Staff Working Hours

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can view the actual number of hours a user has logged in and the number of hours a user is expected to login based on his schedule defined in the Staff Roster using the Hours Worked Report. 

Be informed of the upcoming scheduled offs

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can keep an eye on the upcoming scheduled off and manage your resources accordingly. 

Restrict Login Hours 

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can restrict a user to login before the shift Start Time and after the shift End Time.

Logout Alert Notification

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can activate the Logout Alert Notification feature. This feature notifies the  user 30 minutes in advance when his shift is about to end

Suggested Readings

Features of the the Staff Scheduling and Time Management plugin
Managing Staff Roster in Tagrain
Using the Clock In / Clock Out feature in Tagrain

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