Stock Counting Plugin Features

Stock Counting Plugin Features


Stock Counting Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to keep a track of your inventory. It helps you reconcile the actual physical stock in hand at the store with the stock recorded in the system. 

During an inventory count, some or all item(s) in your store is counted and recorded. When the inventory count is submitted,the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and a report is generated for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. The Stock Counting feature ensures that your store's inventory records are updated and you do not end up spending on inventory holding costs. See: Features of the Stock Count Plugin


The only prerequisite to use the Stock Counting feature in Tagrain is to ensure that you are subscribed to the Stock Counting Plugin. 
The Stock Counting feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Stock Counting Plugin. Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired. 


In brief, the plugin incorporates these business processes:

Stock Counting 

This plugin will allow you to count your stock across stores. When the inventory count is submitted,the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and a report is generated for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. The discrepancies can be posted as adjustment entries to reconcile the physical stock on hand in stores with the stock information in the application. 

Stock Adjustment

This plugin allows you to keep track of your inventory. It accounts for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels and reconciles inventory to ensure stock levels are accurate. 

The screenshot of the Count Screen above displays System Quantity, Counted Quantity, and Adjustment Quantity. You need to manually Count the Products that are available in your physical store and enter the Counted Quantity in the column specified. The Adjustment Quantity column will automatically populate with the quantity adjusted and the status will change from Uncounted to either Matched or Unmatched. 

Reduce Inventory Holding Cost

This plugin allows you to reconcile inventory. It compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system. Any unexpected variance in your inventory levels is adjusted. The Adjustment Quantity column on the Count Screen, automatically calculates the quantity to be adjusted. It will tell you if the quantity is in surplus or deficit.

Full / Partial Stock Counting

This plugin allows you to count your inventory. You can perform stock counting for some or all the products in your store. You can filter your selection based on the product type, product group, and product tags. 


This plugin allows you to monitor the adjusted quantity via the Inventory report and the Inventory Movement Report.

Suggested Readings

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