Switch from Tagrain Community to Tagrain Enterprise

Switch from Tagrain Community to Tagrain Enterprise

In this article:
We will cover the steps to switch from Tagrain COMMUNITY to Tagrain ENTERPRISE edition.


Once you have enjoyed and evaluated the trial version of Tagrain, you can switch to either Tagrain COMMUNITY or Tagrain ENTERPRISE. See: Subscribe To Tagrain. There is a subtle difference between the two editions. COMMUNITY Edition being lighter is best suited for single STORE single POS retailers, whereas ENTERPRISE edition offers multi store support and other important features required for larger operations. Both editions come in two payment options – Monthly Payment Plan OR on an Annual Payment Plan. There is a significant difference between the two when it comes to pricing. See: Tagrain Pricing. 


In this section, we will focus on how to switch from Tagrain COMMUNITY to Tagrain ENTERPRISE.

Some Key Points to Remember about Tagrain editions

The COMMUNITY edition is free for life whereas the ENTERPRISE edition is a paid version. 

The COMMUNITY edition restricts the user to One Store and One POS setup whereas the ENTERPRISE edition does not. 

A community edition that has not been used / transacted upon for 60 days will be deleted.

You can switch from COMMUNITY edition to ENTERPRISE edition but not from an ENTERPRISE edition to a COMMUNITY edition. 

You don’t have to pay anything for a COMMUNITY edition whereas you have to pay for the ENTERPRISE edition based on the number of POS terminals (stores are free) and the subscribed plugin(s)

Steps to switch from Tagrain COMMUNITY to Tagrain ENTERPRISE

Step 1. Click on your "Profile Picture" in the Top Menu Bar, then go to "Manage Account". This will bring up the Tagrain “Subscription” page. You will notice that under Subscription Information it says COMMUNITY as the Edition. 

The Subscription page displays information about: Tagrain Edition | Subscription start date | Subscription end date | Count of stores | Count of POS.

Step 2. Click the “Upgrade” button. This will bring up the “Purchase Subscription” page.

This screen lets you decide upon the number of licenses that you want to procure for Stores and POS and the Plugins that you wish to subscribe to. Depending upon the licenses that you opt for on this screen will decide the total pricing amount that you will have to pay at the close of this wizard. 

Should you change your mind, you always have the option to click on Stay on Community, which will roll back all the selections and revert you to the Community Edition. However, clicking on Buy Enterprise will take you to the payment page to complete the payment process. 

To make things simple and easy to understand we have not added any STORE or POS or PLUGIN to our subscription when upgrading from COMMUNITY to Enterprise.

The Purchase Subscription Screen

The Purchase Subscription Screen is divided into 4 sections:

Choose your subscription
This section gives you the option to increase or decrease the Store and POS count and select the Plugins for Activation or Deactivation.

Already Active
This section displays the Plugins that are Already Active. Tagrain Trial account, gives you full access to all the features of the Enterprise Edition. As a result, depending upon the business vertical that you select, you may see some of the Plugins are pre-activated. You will find these Plugins listed under the Already Active tab.

Order Summary
This section displays the Plugins selected for Activation and Deactivation. 

Cart Details
This section displays the payment plan choice - Annual or Monthly along with the Store and POS count and the Plugins selected for Activation or Deactivation.

Step 3. Click on the “Buy Enterprise” button on the Purchase Subscription screen to switch the edition from COMMUNITY to ENTERPRISE and proceed to the “Review Subscription” screen.

The “Review Subscription” screen displays the information about your:

Subscription Plan
This will display the edition type - COMMUNITY or ENTERPRISE

Subscription Frequency
This will display the bill generation period – Monthly or Annual

Subscription Period
This will display the start date and the end date for the subscription.

New Subscription Details
This will display the total number of  stores purchased, total number of POS available, and the total number of Plugins subscribed.

Total Amount
This will display the total increase in amount upon addition of.

Payment Due
This will display the total number of stores purchased, total number of POS available, and the total number of Plugins subscribed.

Step 4. Click on the Pay button to process the payment. 

Step 5. Upon successful payment, you would see a “Payment Result” screen wherein you can validate your subscription information by clicking the “Go to Subscription” button.

You will notice that under Subscription Information it now says Enterprise as the Edition.

You also get to see a summary of your subscription under the “Subscription Information” section. It displays the 
-- Edition Type
-- Subscription Start Date
-- Subscription End Date
-- Store Count
-- POS Count
-- Plugin Count

To make things simple and easy to understand we have not added any STORE or POS or PLUGIN to our subscription when upgrading from COMMUNITY to Enterprise.

Suggested Readings

Subscribe to Tagrain
Subscription Management in Tagrain

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