Understanding Tagrain Invoice and Tagrain Receipt

Understanding Tagrain Invoice and Tagrain Receipt

Tagrain Invoice: A Tagrain invoice is a bill for payment made in a transaction. 
Tagrain Receipt: A Tagrain receipt is an acknowledgement stating that the payment has been received. It is proof that the payment has been made.

Steps to access a Tagrain Invoice or a Tagrain Receipt

There are 2 ways a Tagrain Invoice or a Tagrain Receipt can be accessed. 

From the Billing Screen

You can click on the little arrow next to the date under the “Billing History” section to bring up the “Invoice Paid” screen. This screen contains information critical to your application like the invoice number, payment date, and the payment method. It also has the “Download Invoice” and the “Download Receipt” buttons. Clicking on these buttons will download and save the corresponding sections in PDF format to the default download location. 

From the Payment History Screen

You can click on the “View Receipt” hyperlink to bring up the “Invoice Paid” screen. This screen contains information critical to your application like the invoice number, payment date, and the payment method. It also has the “Download Invoice” and the “Download Receipt” buttons. Clicking on these buttons will download and save the corresponding sections in PDF format to the default download location.

This is how a sample “Invoice Paid” screen looks like.

The “Invoice Paid” screen reflects the total invoice paid, the invoice number, the payment date, the payment method, a hyperlink to view the invoice details, and the “Download Invoice” and “Download Receipt” buttons. 

When you click on the “View Invoice Details” hyperlink the following screen appears:

Tagrain Invoice Breakdown

Now let us try to read and understand the information that is displayed on a “Tagrain Invoice”. A sample invoice is pasted below:

A Tagrain invoice is split into 3 main sections - The Header, The Body, and The Footer. Let us look at each of these sections in detail:


The invoice Header field contains the below information:

Invoice (From) Information
This field displays the business name and address of Tagrain - the business unit that raised the invoice. 

Invoice (To) Information
This field displays the name of the customer to whom the invoice has been issued. 

Invoice Number
This field displays the invoice number. This number is a unique number that is assigned to all the invoices raised by Tagrain. 

Date of Issue of the invoice
This field displays the date when the invoice was issued. 

Date Due
This field displays the date when the payment is due. All Tagrain invoice are due when issued. 


The invoice Body contains the below information:

This field displays the description of the purchase made. This field will indicate if the payment was requested to upgrade the store or to purchase a plugin. 

This field will display the quantity in numbers. 

Unit Price
This field displays the pierce per unit of the product purchased. 

This field displays the total amount to be paid.  
The invoice Footer contains the below information:

This field is hyperlinked to bring up the “Invoice Paid” screen when clicked.  

Tagrain Contact Information
This field displays the Tagrain support address along with the contact information. 

Tagrain Receipt Breakdown

Now let us try to read and understand the information that is displayed on a “Tagrain Receipt”. A sample receipt is pasted below:

The Tagrain Receipt is split into 3 main sections. The Header, The Body, and The Footer. 


The receipt Header contains the below information:
Receipt (From) Information
This field displays the business name and address of Tagrain - the business unit that issued the receipt.

Receipt (To) Information
This field displays the name of the customer to whom the receipt has been issued. 

Receipt Number
This field displays the receipt number. This number is a unique number that is assigned to all the receipts issued by Tagrain. This number is for customer’s reference only.

Invoice Number
This field displays the invoice number. This number is a unique number that is assigned to all the invoices raised by Tagrain. 

Date Paid
This field displays the date when the payment was made. This date may be different from the date of issue.  

Payment Method
This field displays the last 4 digits of the Debit/Credit card used to make the payment. 


The receipt Body contains the below information:

This field displays the description of the purchase made. This field will indicate if the payment was made to upgrade the store or to purchase a plugin. 

This field will display the quantity in numbers. 

Unit Price
This field displays the pierce per unit of the product purchased.  

This field displays the total amount to be paid.  
The receipt Footer contains the below information:

Tagrain Contact Information
This field displays the Tagrain support address along with the contact information. 

Suggested Readings

Taking credit card payments in Tagrain

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