Using Tagrain Advance Features - DIY Video Series

Using Tagrain Advance Features - DIY Video Series

Setup Gift Cards and use them as Store Credits (Video 1 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to use Gift Cards as Store Credit

Customer Orders, Store pickup, Home Delivery and Order Fulfillment (Video 2 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with Customer Orders and how to fulfill these orders.

Setup Multiple Units of Measure (Video 3 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with setting up Multiple Units of Measurement in Tagrain

Sales Target and its reporting (Video 4 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with defining Sales Target in Tagrain

Create and manage Serial controlled products (Video 5 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to create and manage Serial Products.

Create and manage Batch  controlled products (Video 6 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to create and manage Batch Products.

Create and manage Variant products (Video 7 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to create and manage Variant Products.

Create and manage Composite products (Video 8 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to create and manage Composite Products.

Purchase Orders and Goods Receipts against a PO (Video 9 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to create Purchase Orders and raise Goods Receipts against them.

Stock Transfer Shipment and Receipts (Video 10 of 10)

This video in the DIY Video Series helps you get acquainted with how to perform Stock Transfer Shipments and Stock Transfer Receipts.

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