What Are Plugins And Do I Need Them?

What Are Plugins And Do I Need Them?


Plugins are small, but effective software modules that seamlessly integrate with Tagrain and contain feature extending functionalities.

The basic premise of a plugin is to let you subscribe to only those features that are required by the business. Plugins help you to improve your ROI without compromising on application features that are a must for your business.

You can subscribe to and activate plugins depending upon the needs of your business. Plugins allow you to increase your application landscape based on the demands and growth of your business. The application grows with your business. 

Plugins are only available in the Enterprise edition. This means that a retailer can add plugins to incrementally increase the application features.  

A COMMUNITY Edition user can also subscribe to a Plugin. Subscribing to one or many plugins will automatically upgrade his Tagrain Edition from COMMUNITY to ENTERPRISE. 

Community Edition is free for life; however, the Enterprise Edition is a paid subscription. The subscription amount depends on the following: 
  1. Number of POS terminals
  2. Number of Plugins
  3. Number of licenses
Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your Plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licenses that you have acquired. 

The plugin pricing is, however, independent of Stores.

The plugin - Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining is included in both the editions - COMMUNITY and ENTERPRISE. You only need to activate the plugin from the Purchase Subscription page. 

Once activated, the plugin Multiple Units of Measure cannot be deactivated.

The Plugins

Plugins are represented as small tiles and can be accessed from the plugins page (Home → Plugins) OR from the purchase suscription page (Admin Section → Manage Account → Upgrade).

Every such tile explains the plugin in great detail for you to better understand the features offered by the plugin.

Every plugin tile gives you the following information:

Bullet Point Summary

An overview of the plugin in 3-4 bulleted points 

Activate / Deactivate Button

If you are accessing the plugin from the Plugins page, clicking this button will either activate or deactivate (an already activated plugin).

If you are in the Choose your subscription tab of the purchase subscription page, a plugin can be selected for activation by selecting the check box. Similarly, an already activated plugin can be selected for deactivation by unselecting its checkbox in the Already Active tab


Depending on your subscription plan- Annual or Monthly, the tile shows the price of the plugin. The tile shows both the prices if you are either in the Community edition OR are evaluating the application in the trial period. Please note that the number of stores in your environment will determine the overall pricing of the plugin. 

More Details Section 

Clicking More Details on the tile opens a popup that explains the plugin in more detail. In addition to the description of the features that the plugin offers, you can also go through the plugin specific FAQs and the screenshots and videos of how the application will look when the plugin is activated. 

In addition to displaying the price of the plugin, you also have the option to select the plugin for activation or deactivation from this popup screen. 

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