How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify?

How are duplicate products and customers handled between Tagrain and Shopify?


During Tagrain Shopify integration, it is required to initialise the master data between the two systems - Tagrain and Shopify, to ensure hassle free integration. Depending upon what data you have specified to sync, the application will begin the initialisation process. This initialisation is a part of the larger wizard driven setup that will guide you through the entire process.
The initialization process is a one-time activity, to ensure that the systems possess the required information for integration.
In Tagrain Shopify deployment, the following master objects are initialized:
  1. Customer Data
  2. Product Data
As a part of the initialization process, the integration platform needs to make sure that the master data (Customers and Products) are synchronized. This means that the integration platform needs to remove all the duplicate products in both the applications - Tagrain and Shopify.

The integration is designed in a manner that once the initialisation is complete, customers will integrate from Shopify to Tagrain, whereas the products can integrate both ways. 

During the initialisation process, for the Customer master object, you will not be asked to perform any action. The system does that for you and displays the green symbol on the master object indicating successful initialization.

The customer data integration is unidirectional. It means the relevant customer data gets transferred from Shopify to Tagrain. You may click on the accordion to view the details.

For the Product master object, you will be required to provide your input. The system displays a yellow symbol on the master object indicating that an input from you is required. You need to expand the product master and answer the corresponding questions:

Question 1: In which of the systems do you have product data?
The answer to this question allows the OneEnterprise portal to pick the source and target systems for initialization. There could be 2 scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1: Only one system has the data.
    You need to select the checkbox for that system. This will mark the selected system as the source system and the unchecked system will be treated as a target system. If you choose this option, you do not need to answer the second question. 
  1. Scenario 2: Both the systems have data.
    You need to select the check box for both the systems. This will mark both the systems as the Source as well as Destination and will trigger the initialization in both directions. If you choose this option, you also need to answer the second question as well.

Question 2: In which of the systems do you have the least product data?
The answer to this question allows the OneEnterprise portal to prioritize the initialization process.  By manually selecting a system, you are actually instructing the OneEnterprise portal to start the initialization process from the selected system. The selected system will be initialized first and then the second system. 

Data Calibration Scenarios

The OneEnterprise retrieves the master data from both the Systems and compares the two before letting you deploy the solution. The 3 possible scenarios that may arise when the data is being compared are:
  1. No Match Found
  2. Exact Match Found
  3. Multiple Matches Found
Each of the scenarios are explained in the section below:

No Match Found: 
This option appears when the application has found no matching record. The application gives you the choice to either add a new record or review the existing records.

  1. Add a new record (recommended): This option will insert the missing object data in your Target System from the Source System. By selecting this option, you are letting OneEnterprise do the work for you automatically.
  2. Review Records (Read-Only): This option will only allow you to view the record. You will not be able to perform any action on the record. 

Exact Match Found:
This option appears when the application has found all one-to-one matches. The application gives you the choice to either update the record or manually review and then decide for each record.

  1. Update Record (recommended): This option will update the object data in your Target System from your Source System. By selecting this option, you are letting OneEnterprise do the work for you automatically.
  1. Review and Decide for each record: This option will only allow you to view the record and decide if you want to update or insert it as a new record.

Multiple Matches Found:
This option appears when the application has found more than one matching record.  The application gives you the choice to either manually review and then decide for each record or insert it as a new record.

  1. Review and Decide for Each Record (recommended):  This option will require your inputs to help the OneEnterprise portal take the appropriate action. You can review each object and then decide whether you want to update it or insert it as a new record.
  2. Insert as a new record: This option will insert the object data in your Target System, from the source system. By selecting this option, you are letting OneEnterprise do the work for you automatically.

The application will then display a configuration summary, and the solution is ready for deployment. To deploy the solution, you need to click on the Deploy button. Then, the OneEnterprise portal will start deploying the solution.

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