How do I generate the API key for my Shopify account?

How do I generate the API key for my Shopify account?


Tagrain to Shopify integration is brought about by the Tagrain for Shopify Plugin in Tagrain. This plugin seamlessly integrates Tagrain with Shopify allowing retailers to further extend the capabilities of their ESSENTIAL edition. It allows them to sell in-store as well as online. An exchange of data between Shopify and Tagrain occurs upon successful integration. This data primarily relates to customer details, products, inventory, orders placed, and order refunds. See: How to activate Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin in Tagrain?


The retailer needs to have a valid Shopify account. 

Steps to procure the APIs

The steps to obtain the API keys from Shopify are explained below:
Step 1. The retailer needs to log into his Shopify Portal by supplying his credentials to bring up the Shopify Home Page. 

Step 2. Click on the “Apps” option on the side Menu Bar. This will bring up the “Apps Main Screen” page.  It gives the retailer the option to customize his store.

Step 3. Click on the “Manage private apps” hyperlink displayed at the bottom of the screen. The application will display a message “Private apps are currently disabled” asking the retailer to “Enable private app deployment”. The retailer needs to click on the “Enable private app deployment” button.

Private Apps are tailored to work exclusively with a Shopify store allowing retailers to access their store’s data directly via Shopify APIs or even extend their online stores to other platforms using custom storefronts. See: Shopify Private Apps.

By default, “Private App” setting is disabled. This is because private apps utilize open APIs to access store data.

Step 4. Once the retailer has enabled private app deployment, he needs to click the “Create Private App” button on the “Private Apps” screen. This will bring up the “Create Private App Configuration” page.

Step 5. The retailer needs to fill in required information on the “Create Private App Configuration” page. He needs to specify a name for the private app that he is going to set up along with the developer’s email address. For Example, we can use “Tagrain” as the Private App Name and as the Emergency Developer Email.   Private app name: Tagrain. Emergency developer email:

A retailer may have several stores. The best practice is to keep the private app name same as the store name for easy identification and reporting.  The developer's email address is required so that the retailer can be notified of any API change from Shopify.

Retailers can click on the “Show Inactive Admin API Permissions” hyperlink to view advanced configuration.
Step 6. Once the retailer has specified the name for the private app and the developer’s email address, he needs to click on the “Save” button. This will bring up the “Create Private App” pop up window notifying the retailer that he is about to create a private app and the application will now generate the required APIs for him.

Step 7. The retailer is presented with the Private App Creation screen with the message stating that the app has been configured successfully. The screen displays information critical to your deployment like The Private App’s Name | The developers Email Address | The API Key | The API Password | The Shared Secret etc.

The best practice is to save the settings displayed on this page and store it on a network drive accessible only to the administrators or the manager.
The API Key and the API Password generated using the procedure above is used at the time of integrating Shopify Plugin with Tagrain.  See: How do I integrate my Tagrain edition with Shopify?

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