How do I integrate my Tagrain edition with Shopify?

How do I integrate my Tagrain edition with Shopify?


Tagrain to Shopify integration is brought about by the Tagrain for Shopify Plugin in Tagrain. This plugin seamlessly integrates Tagrain with Shopify allowing retailers to further extend the capabilities of their TAGRAIN edition. It allows them to sell in-store as well as online. Following masters and transactions integrate between the two applications:

Customer: The customer data is integrated from Shopify to Tagrain. Whenever a new customer is created in Shopify the customer will be created in Tagrain. However, a customer created in Tagrain will NOT integrate into Shopify. 

Product: The product data is integrated from Shopify to Tagrain AND Tagrain to Shopify. The flow of information is bi-directional. This is an independent process having no dependencies. This means that products created in Tagrain will be available online in the Shopify site. Similarly, in the unlikely event that products are created in Shopify, they will automatically integrate into Tagrain. 

Stock: The stock data is integrated from Tagrain to Shopify. The flow of information is unidirectional. This is not an independent process and relies on the product data. This means that stock (or inventory levels) of products shown on Shopify will show the stock levels of the products in Tagrain. This further means that Shopify does not maintain stock of its own but displays the stock levels of the product as it (stock level) is in Tagrain. 

Order: The order data is integrated from Shopify to Tagrain. The flow of information is unidirectional. This process is not an independent process and relies on the product data and customer data. This means that all Shopify orders will integrate into Tagrain as confirmed sales. These orders in Tagrain can be seen in the different reports in Tagrain and also by clicking the Recent Sales button on the Web Register in Tagrain. 

Order Refund: The order refund data is integrated from Shopify to Tagrain. The flow of information is unidirectional. This process is not an independent process and relies on the product data, the customer data, and the order data. This means that a refund initiated in Shopify is integrated as a refund transaction in Tagrain.


The following prerequisite should be met before you can begin the Tagrain Shopify integration. 
  1. Purchase and Activate Tagrain Shopify Integration Plugin.
    The retailer needs to be on Tagrain ESSENTIAL edition to purchase and activate the “Tagrain Shopify Integration” Plugin. 
  1. A Customer Group in Tagrain for the Shopify Customers.
    The retailer needs to create a customer group in Tagrain. All the customers who are coming from Shopify will reflect under this customer group. This customer group will be set as the default customer group when integrating a customer from Shopify to Tagrain. e.g. “Shopify Customers”
  1. A Product Group in Tagrain for the Shopify Products.
    The retailer needs to create a product group in Tagrain. All the products that are coming from Shopify will reflect under this product group. This product group will be set as the default product group when integrating product data from Shopify to Tagrain AND Tagrain to Shopify. e.g. “Shopify Products”
  1. A POS register in Tagrain for Shopify.
    The retailer needs to set up a POS register and link it up with Shopify. Though this is not a mandatory step but is recommended to ensure easy reporting. All the sales coming from Shopify will reflect under this POS register. e.g. “Shopify Store”
  1. A customer in Tagrain for all guest customer orders from Shopify.
    The retailer needs to set up a customer in Tagrain. All the Shopify orders which are created using a Guest Customer (in Shopify) will reflect in Tagrain against this customer. e.g. “Shopify Guests”
  1. A surcharge in Tagrain for Shopify Sales Order surcharge.
    The retailer needs to set up a surcharge in Tagrain. All the shipping charges in Shopify orders will be mapped to this surcharge header in Tagrain.
  1. An Exempt (zero value) tax code in Tagrain
    The retailer needs to set up a tax code in Tagrain as “Tagrain Exempt Tax Code”.  This Exempt Tax Code will be required when the setting "Tax Posting in Tagrain using" is set to "Surcharge”. This value is set to “Surcharge” in cases where the total tax applicable on an item is a sum total of smaller individual taxes. For example, in the USA, Canada, etc. For installation in these countries the total tax amount will be posted under a separate ‘surcharge’ defined in Tagrain. And since the tax amount is already captured in the surcharge field, the Tax Code needs to be mentioned as Zero (0)
  1. A non-Inventory product for the custom product in Tagrain.
    The retailer needs to set up a non-stock custom product in Tagrain. All the orders with custom products from Shopify will reflect under this header. This will be required if you decide to create custom products in Shopify and want to integrate those orders into Tagrain. 
  1. A non-Inventory product for orders refunds in Tagrain.
    The retailer needs to set up a non-stock custom product in Tagrain. All the refund orders in Shopify that contain custom products will reflect under this header.
  1. Create custom payment types for the Shopify Payment methods.
    Shopify comes with a lot of payment types already defined in Shopify base products. Corresponding payment types will have to be created in Tagrain to map the Shopify payment types. The payment type created in Tagrain will be a custom payment type. 
  1. Shopify Account to procure the API Key and API Password from.
    The retailer needs to create a Shopify account. In case he already has one, he can use that to obtain the API Key and API password. 

Steps to integrate Shopify with Tagrain

The steps to integrate Shopify with Tagrain are explained below:

Step 1. Go to the “Integrations” section on the Plugin Grid View screen. Click on the “Settings” button on the Shopify Plugin Tile. You will be redirected to the OneEnterprise portal.

Step 2. On the OneEnterprise “Welcome To Tagrain” page you will be required to create a new password for the OneEnterprise platform. Click the “Submit” button.

Please ensure to use a strong password when setting up your OneEnterprise password. As a rule of the thumb, a minimum of 8 characters which is a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and special characters is considered as a strong password.

Step 3. On the “OneEnterprise Sign In” page, enter your email address and password and click the “Login” button. This will bring up the “OneEnterprise” dashboard page.

Step 4. On the dashboard page you will see all your recent solutions listed including your Tagrain-Shopify solution. Click on the “Set it Up” button to begin integration. This will bring up the “Assign Systems” screen.

Step 5. Click on the “Connect” button on the Shopify Tile displayed on the “Assign Systems” screen.

Users coming from Tagrain via activation of the Tagrain-Shopify Integration Plugin will not be required to go through any configuration to set up his Tagrain system in OneEnterprise. However, to set up a Shopify system in OneEnterprise, he would require the Hostname, API Key, and Password from Shopify. See: How do I generate the API key for my Shopify account?
Step 6. Fill in the required information, including the mandatory fields (*) on the “System Information Details” window. The fields are explained below:

System Name: 
This is a text field. You need to specify a name for the system that you are going to integrate. 

System Environment:
This is a drop-down menu field. You need to pick from the drop-down menu as to how you wish to use the system. The options are Development, Production, and Quality Assurance.

OneEnterprise allows you to create multiple systems with a common name. In a scenario where you have multiple systems created with the same name, you can choose to filter your system based on its environment. 

Application Server URL:
This is a text field. You need to specify the Server URL for your tenant. This is generally the complete URL for the (Shopify) system that you are going to integrate. 

API Key:
This is a text field. You need to specify the API Key. To procure the API you will have to login to your Shopify account and get the information from under the “Create Private App” screen. See: How to generate API Keys in Shopify?

This is a text field. You need to specify the password for the API keys entered above. This will not be the password that you use to sign into your Shopify account.

It is a good practice to click on the “Test” button to validate the Application Server URL, API Key, and Password that you have supplied under the “System Information and Credential” box, to validate the information. It would say “Success” if the validation succeeds. In case it fails, it would prompt you to reenter the information. This is important for a hassle-free Tagrain Shopify integration.

Step 7. Once you have supplied the required information, you may click on the “Save” button. The configured system is marked as active and is added to the main screen.

Step 8. On the “Systems” screen, click on the “Blue Arrow” button on the “Shopify” tile. The screen will display a message “Your System is not assigned to any solution. Create a solution now” and will prompt you to create a “Solution” now.

Step 9. Click the “Add Solution” button. Alternatively, you may click on “Solutions” in the side menu bar. This will bring up the “New Solution” screen.

Step 10. Once you have identified your system, select the radio button. In this example, we have selected the “Shopify System” for integration. Click the “Next Step” button.

Step 11. You will see your Shopify Tile displayed on the screen. The “Blue Arrow” button displayed earlier has now been replaced with the “Change” button. Click on the “Next Step” button.  Click on the “Change” button only if you want to add another “System”.

OneEnterprise allows you to create multiple systems with a common name. In a scenario where you have multiple systems created with the same name, you can choose to filter your system based on its environment.

Step 12. On the “Select Processes” screen under the “Solutions” menu, the application will ask you to select the business processes relevant to you. In the screen below, you can see that the following data has been synced automatically: 
  1. Customer data
  2. Product data
  3. Stock data
  4. Order data
  5. Order Refund data
A successful and acceptable value is indicated by a green tick symbol else it is indicated by a red cross symbol. In the later situation, you will be required to make the desired changes to rectify the error to move to the next step.

Step 13. On the “Provide General Settings” under the “Solutions” menu, the application will ask you to map those general settings that are not automatically picked up by the system. Once done, click on the “Next Step” button.

Step 14. On the “Provide Value Mappings” under the “Solutions” menu, the application will ask you to map the below 2 settings:
  1. Order Location Mapping
    This setting allows you to map your Tagrain Stores with the Shopify Locations. The application will synchronize the inventory based on the mapping of Tagrain Stores with the Shopify Locations.

  2. Order Payment Mapping
    This setting allows you to map the Shopify payment methods with the Tagrain payment types. This mapping will be used while posting the order payments from Shopify to Tagrain.
These settings are crucial to the integration process and cannot be skipped. The application will allow you to move to the subsequent step only when the settings on this page are duly addressed. Once done, click on the “Next Step” button.

Step 15. On the “Timer Setting” under the “Solutions” menu, the application will ask you to map the below 2 settings:
  1. Shopify Timer
    This setting will determine the time interval for OneEnterprise to check and record any change that might have occurred in the Shopify system defined.

  1. Tagrain Timer
This setting will determine the time interval for OneEnterprise to check and record any change that might have occurred in the Tagrain system defined.

Both these settings should be configured carefully since this will determine the frequency of integration between Tagrain and Shopify. If the settings are not configured carefully OneEnterprise will not be able to synchronize any change that might have occurred in the systems defined.

Step 16. Click the “Start Initialization” button to begin the synchronization process. The Initialization process is a one-time activity, to ensure that your systems are well equipped with all the necessary information they need for reliable integration.

Step 17. The customer master and product master are both synced between Tagrain and Shopify. The application will ask you to specify if you want to sync the product data from Tagrain to Shopify or vice-versa.

Step 18. Once you have specified as to what data you want to sync, you may click the “Start” button. The application will begin the calibration process and the progress will be displayed on the screen

Step 19. Upon successful calibration the progress displayed will be 100% and a notification would pop up on the screen indicating that the “Initialization Completed Successfully”.

Step 20. The OneEnterprise portal will pre check the configurations and display a configuration summary before letting you deploy the solution. Click on the “Deploy” button to deploy the solution. The OneEnterprise portal will begin the deployment process. The deployment wizard will indicate whether the deployment was a success or a failure. If it is successful, it will enable all features of the OneEnterprise portal, else it will ask you to run through the configuration again. 

You can modify the solution either during the deployment process or after successful deployment, by using the edit option from the solution tile.

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