How To Create A Batch Product?

How To Create A Batch Product?

To be able to create Batch Products in Tagrain, you must subscribe to and activate the Serial and Batch Product Management plugin.


Serial and Batch products can be created by activating the "Serial and Batch Product Management" plugin. 

Batch controlled products are those products which have a shelf life. Normally all perishable products are configured as batch-controlled products. Whenever these products are received in the store, it is mandatory to allocate a batch number.

In addition to a batch number, you can also capture the expiry date (best by date / use before date), date of manufacturing and the date when this batch of product was received.
You can either allocate one single batch to all the products received in the transaction OR you can allocate as many batches as per the information on the receipt document.
It is mandatory to select a batch number every time a batch controlled product is sold at the Web Register.

Steps To Create A Batch Product

To create a Batch Controlled product, Go to Inventory > Product to open up the Product list view.

Click “Add Product” to open the “Create Product” screen. Enter the product details and from the Product Type drop down menu select Batch.

Enter all the product details like Product Group, Manufacturer, Base Price in the header section of the screen. In the Inventory sub menu enter Store Specific Pricing, Opening Quantity, Reorder Level and Maximum Stock Level. Attach an image in the Product Image submenu and click save to create a Batch controlled product.

Click HERE to know more on how to receive a Batch Controlled Product. 

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