To be able to create Composite Products in Tagrain, you must subscribe to and activate the Variant and Composite Product Management plugin.
Composite Products are those products that are created by combining different products into one product bundle. These products are sold as one single unit.
These products are not stocked. The inventory of the constituent products is reduced when the Composite Product is sold at the point of sale. For example, an Evening Dress Ensemble could have an evening gown + a nice watch + a coat. Whenever this Composite Product is sold at the Web Register, the stock of the gown, the watch and the coat are reduced by one each.
Methods to create Composite Products
You can use one of the following methods to create a Composite product in Tagrain.
Method 1: You can add a Composite product manually on the Product Master Screen using the “Add Product” button. See: (Product)
Method 2: You can import a Composite product using the Excel upload. See: (Importing and Exporting Composite Products in Tagrain)
Steps to create a Composite Product manually
To create a Composite product, navigate to: Home > Inventory > Product. This will open the Product List View screen. All the existing products are listed on this screen.
Click “Add Product” to open the Product Master screen. Enter the product details like Description, Product Code, Product Group, UPC Code, Product Type, Tax Code, Manufacturer (Brand), Base Price in the header section of the screen and from the Product Type drop down menu select "Composite".
Selecting “Composite” from the drop-down activates another submenu called “Item Details”. Here you are required to add the different products that when put together will make the Composite Product.

When adding the constituent products, you can even search a product by code, description, or barcode.
Under the “Advance Setting” sub menu header, you can specify a Long Description for your Composite Product. This setting also includes controls for: Non-Stock, Allow Fractional Quantity, Open Price, Inclusive Taxed, Refundable and Purchasable. (See: Product).
Under the “Inventory” sub menu header, you can specify Store Specific Pricing. The constituent products are normal Standard Products. You will not be able to define: Opening Quantity, Reorder Level and Maximum Stock Level here, because the Stock Quantity of a Composite Product is determined by the stock quantity of its constituent products.
Under the “Product Images” sub menu header, you can “Add Image” to your Composite Product.
Steps to create a Composite Product using Excel upload.
Download the Excel Template from the Product List View. In this article we are going to use the demo data in the template as a reference to create new Composite Products. We have combined two (2) products – Floral Scuba Dress and Pebble Leather Crossbody to create a single pack or bundle, “Evening Dress Ensemble”.

The Excel template downloaded from the Product List view is common for all types of products. To create Composite Products, mark the product type by specifying its Product Type = 4 in the template.

The constituent products are normal Standard Products. You will not be able to define: Opening Quantity, Reorder Level and Maximum Stock Level because the Stock Quantity of a Composite Product is determined by the stock quantity of its constituent products.
When a Standard product is part of a composite product, it is important to mention the code of the Composite Product in the ‘Composite Product Code’ column.
The Upload Template will automatically create the constituent products if they are not present in the application. This also means that if the constituent products already exist, their values like Description, Product Group, UPC, Tax Code, Manufacturer (Brand), Base Price, etc. will automatically be updated.
Once the upload template is properly filled in, you need to click the import button on the Product Master Screen and navigate to the location where your Product.xls file is saved. Select the file and click OK to initiate the upload.
The application notifies when the data upload starts in the notification area. Once the data is uploaded, the application will again notify for the successful data import.Suggested Readings