How to create a Purchase Order?

How to create a Purchase Order?

The Purchase Order feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Product Purchase Management plugin. 


A Purchase Order is a binding contract with your Supplier that you promise to buy a set of items under given conditions. 


In this guide we will focus on Purchase Order. However, before using the Purchase Order feature in Tagrain, it is advised that you create the following first:

Steps To Create A Purchase Order 

Login to your Tagrain application. Navigate to:  Home > Inventory Transactions > Purchase Order to open the Purchase Order List View Screen. All the existing Purchase Orders are listed on this screen.
Use this Purchase Order List View Screen to do the following:

View the Purchase Order 
Click on the Eye symbol to view the Purchase Order document. This document lists all the products that were requested in the Purchase Order. However, the document will NOT detail the status of individual products – whether they have been fully received or partially received.

Edit the Purchase Order 
Click on the Edit symbol to edit the Purchase Order document. You can edit the Document Date, Required Delivery Date, Product Quantity, Price, Tax Code, and Discount Type.

Receive the Purchase Order 
Click on the Cart symbol to open the Goods Receipt against a Purchase Order Screen. This screen lists the products along with descriptions requested in the Purchase Order. 
 You need to adjust the quantity that you are receiving now and click the save button to receive the products requested in the Purchase Order document. 

Click the Add Purchase Order button to open the Create Purchase Order screen. This screen is divided into 3 sections: 
The Header
The Body (Grid)
The Footer

The Purchase Order Header

Fill in the required information on the Create Purchase Order Header including the mandatory fields such as Store, Purchase Order Number, Vendor, Document Date,  and the Required Delivery Date. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the Create Purchase Order Header are explained in the upcoming section.

You can type in the Store name or alternatively click on the […] to pick a Store name from the available list of Stores. This is the store that is purchasing the products. In this example, we have selected the Store as the Vivo Store. 

Purchase Order Number
The application automatically generates a Purchase Order Number based on the Document Number Series defined in for the Store. However, if you want to set your own custom number, click inside the box and then type in your Purchase Order number. The Purchase Order Number can be an alphanumeric. 

Type in the Vendor name or alternatively click on the […] to pick a Vendor name from the available list of Vendors. This is the Vendor from whom you are receiving the goods.  In this example we have selected V1003 - Red Leaf Inc, as our Vendor. 

Reference Number: 
Specify a reference number related to this Purchase Order. This reference number field can be used to mention the vendor's quotation number.

Document Date:
The application by default takes today’s date as the Purchase Order. The date is displayed in the format specified in the General Settings.
Required Delivery Date:
Specify the required date of delivery in date format specified under General Settings. Alternatively click on the Calendar symbol to pick a date.

The Purchase Order Body (Grid)

Fill in the required information on the Create Purchase Order Body (Grid) such as Product, Quantity to receive, etc.  The various fields in the Create Purchase Order Body are explained in the upcoming section.

Product(s) can be selected in the grid either by typing the product code or description. You can either type in the name of the product or click on the […] to pick a product from the available list of products. This would be the product that you want to purchase. In this example, we have selected the following products:
ITM-60 - POLO T Shirt
SH-1005 - Sneakers

Specify the Quantity to be purchased. In this example, we are purchasing 30 pieces of ITM-60 - POLO T Shirt, and 15 pieces of SH-1005 Sneakers from our vendor Red Leaf Inc.
Unit of Measure:
If the UOM plugin is activated, the purchase UOM will be defaulted. However, you have the option to change the UOM. 

This field displays the cost of the product (as mentioned in the product master). This field will be disabled. 

Tax Code: 
The Tax Code is defaulted to the Tax Code set on the product being purchased. In case the product does not have a Tax Code attached to it, the Tax Code set at the Store is used. 

This field displays the Tax levied and depends on the Tax Code field explained above. 

Discount Type
This field allows you to select the discount type. You can either specify a percentage or an absolute amount as the discount type.

This field displays the discount value which can be a percentage or an amount depending on the Discount Type selected in the previous column.

Specify the comments for this Purchase Order.

Line Total
This field displays the row total. In our example the Row Total for ITM-60 is: = 6420. 
The actions column contains the delete button. It lets you delete a row on the Create Purchase Order Grid. 

The Purchase Order Footer

Fill in the required information on the Create Purchase Order Footer.  The various fields in the Create Purchase Order Footer are explained in the upcoming section.

Specify the Comments for this Purchase Order in the Comments field. You can specify any special instructions to the vendor pertaining to the products that you are purchasing like packing type, delivery time, etc. 

Total Taxable Amount:
Displays the Total Taxable Amount. It is calculated after applying the discount, which can be a percentage or an absolute amount.

This field lets you apply a percentage discount on the entire purchase order. 

This field allows you to apply a surcharge on the Purchase Order. This surcharge value can be a percentage or an amount depending on the Surcharge Type selected in this column. For example, freight charges, handling charges, etc. could be applied on Purchase Orders.

It is the tax amount applicable on this line. Clicking on the arrow icon lists the breakup of the tax amount. The breakup includes Tax Area, Tax Jurisdiction, Calculation Order of the Tax Jurisdictions, Base Amount, Tax Rate and Tax Amount.

This field displays the sum total of 

Once you have filled in the required fields (as shown in the image above), click the save button. This will open the Purchase Order Receipt. You can print this receipt for your records. 

Receive the Purchase Order

Navigate to the Purchase Order List View Screen. Click on the Cart symbol to open the Goods Receipt against a Purchase Order Screen. Adjust the quantity that you are receiving now and click the save button to receive the products requested in the Purchase Order document. 

Suggested Readings

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